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Date Posted: 16:15:36 02/01/03 Sat
Author: Jasmine
Subject: Hmph!
In reply to: Fern 's message, "\\\What if the world really is black and white, and we just see it in color because we want to?///" on 21:46:52 01/28/03 Tue

Jasmine scowls in Fern's direction, and scoots away from her when she comes to the wall. Such a pity, she had to stand with the lowly ones who know NOTHING about Kilven's. Jasmine's temper flarred. Her vae nuzzled their soft faces against her skin. They knew she was angry. Only by her thoughts of restraint did they not attack Fern. But Jasmine knew that the Kilven and her cubs, the beautiful things they were, would turn violent at the vae's attacks on Fern. Jasmine had always gotten in trouble by starting fights. She knew what people were thinking, just by looking at their faces. The Kilven were the only things that restrained her from turning ravid. She didn't care which cub she linked to, they were all beautiful. As long as they lived, she would love them. That was why she truly wanted a Kilven. They were someone to love and take care of, someone who wouldn't leave you. A tear fell down her face. Her history flashed in front of her face. Before the moving to Etreus, she had been abandoned by the one she loved. She slowly wiped the tear away. It didn't matter now; she was in Etreus; and she was about to meet her soul mate. A terrifying thought flashed through her head. What if none of them wanted her. What if they all didn't like her. She brushed the thoughts away like one would brush away cobwebs. But deep inside her, she knew the spider could come back. She diverted her attention to the Silvery Kilven and her cubs in front of her. Gosh did they remind her of the night sky. "Yes, the night sky..." she whispered softly. "The stars, the comets, the milky ways, all the strange but beautiful things you can't explain. That is how this feels." she falls into silence, her eyes mixed with anger and excitement.

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