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Subject: Why were you put back into nappies? | |
Author: Thomas |
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Date Posted: 14:44:44 08/14/15 Fri For as much of my childhood as I can remember my mother would seem to find almost any excuse to put me back into nappies. I wasn't properly toilet trained until I was five years old, and I can still remember the embarrassment of starting infant school with a nappy under my shorts. Even when I had learned to control myself she seemed to take every opportunity to put me back into them. A long trip in the car or on the train - "you'd better have a nappy on". Going to stay away at someone else's house - "you'd better have a nappy on". Even as punishment for the slightest misdemeanour - "you'd better have a nappy on". I'm too embarrassed to ask her why she kept me in nappies for so long. It was so embarrassing and I don't really know how to even raise the subject. But I wondered if any of the ladies who read this forum, or anyone else really, might have any idea what she was thinking and why she did it. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |