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Date Posted: 11:30:59 05/31/03 Sat
Author: Januya
Subject: ...
In reply to: Rinyosan 's message, "Rrf, more of 'em! O,O" on 11:22:17 05/31/03 Sat

One ear flicks as Kamali finishes speaking; icy gold eyes don't blink, but the glaze is gone and focus has returned. Januya regards the Peshin motionlessly, mind whirling. She came here after a planet was conquered by the enemy... an enemy that slaughtered civilians and warriors alike, that killed her Olashi partner, Kahni Jaemis. Stripped of a lifelong friend, her prized ship, and her rank, the Tarok has nothing now. Nothing... except a tentative friendship with Skavan and the knowledge that there is more blood to spill. Something to fight for, fight against... something left for her to kill. And if there is blood to spill and lives to take in revenge for the partner she lost, then there is something to live for...

"My name is Januya jin Jekki," comes the low, rippling tone. "I have nothing to my name, no rank nor weaponry. I offer myself in service to Etreus." Gold eyes narrow to mere slits and her sleek muzzle wrinkles in a slight snarl. "Point me at the enemy and they will die."

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