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Date Posted: 17:54:52 05/26/03 Mon
Author: Kakimi
Subject: Yay HA!
In reply to: Rinyosan 's message, "Well not landing but certainly Arrival..." on 09:07:37 05/26/03 Mon

"Roger all of that Rin, and good luck!"

Black paws flicker over the MERF's few controls, clicking off transmission and then falling to her sides. Kakimi took a deep breath, then turned her head slightly to face the red and gold holo form of Tirahn, her ships AI.

"Stay on course, and don't let the MM BOB out of view."

The holographic feline gave a brief nod, and Kakimi's tail thwapped lightly against the side of the control panel as the mantaray shaped ship hummed a bit and soared forward at a slightly faster pace; keeping time with the mecha ahead of it. At the moment, the ray blended in perfectly with it's surroundings, emitting only the slightest bit of heat to give away it's prescence. However... the MM BOB suddenly reappears.

"Fraggit it Rin.. what are you DOING? Last time I checked check it out didn't entail revealing yourself..!"

Kakimi smacked her forehead with her palm, muttering a command to the AI to speed up once again, and then settles the MERF a few meters away from the four creatures... quite ready to spring out and help her friend if necessary.

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