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Date Posted: 09:07:37 05/26/03 Mon
Author: Rinyosan
Subject: Well not landing but certainly Arrival...
In reply to: Skavan and Seka 's message, "Landing..." on 20:49:26 05/25/03 Sun

"Hey Kakimi? You read? I found some sort of lake. Looks like it's used; plenty of old and new trails going to and fro. Contact me if you read. I know the atmosphere's disrupting my comunit, but soon enough MM-BOB'll adjust. Till then, Rinyosan over."

Nimble white-furred, translucent-clawed fingers twist a knob, cutting off the transmission. Rinyosan sighs, sitting cross-legged in the body of a vaguely feline mecha; MM-BOB is crouched motionless in the brush on the far lake shore, hull camoflauged almost perfectly. Inside, the yellow-orange tabby rubs muscles stiff with a hard landing before rising to all fours, mimicking the mecha's crouch, and uttering a few simple words to 'un-freeze' the machine. Near-silently, it rises with her movements in its belly, padding forward with only the crunch of metal paws hitting the earth and the whispery whirr of machinery for noise. The young adult within grins toothily to herself, bright green eyes scanning the limited screens in front of her muzzle before she turns the hullcam on and is instantly immersed in a 3-D holograph, showing every detail of the outside. Making sure the camoflauge is still on, the Masi emerges from the brush cautiously, mecha-head swinging its mechanical gaze across the small lake.

Rinyosan jerks, the motion small enough not to register on the mech controls, and orders a zoom-in. "Taroks? No way." Cat-slitted eyes wide in surprise, she leans forward and scans the area. "Why didn't that ship register on my scans? Blast, another glitch. Two Taroks and a... oh fraggit, what are those Etreusians called?" Rin pauses, mentally straining to remember before a smoothly quiet AI voice says tonelessly, "It is a grey Tokathe. Greys are the fastest breed. The ship is a PhiaShip, registered as Seka." The marmalade tabby grins, visually examining the two Taroks. The situation appears to be quite charged but considering...

"Rin to 'Kimi again. I found two Taroks, a black and a cyborg tan, plus a grey Tokathe with PhiaShip Seka. I'm gonna check it out. Wish me luck if you get this."

"Arm weaponry. Camoflauge set to 'on', keep the guns hidden but safeties off, and boot up the atmospheric jets and underwater machinery just in case I need to make a quick getaway. And for the love of clean fur, record every second of this with the hullcam!" Unable to see any piece of her mech at this point, still immersed in the hologram, Rinyosan begins striding forward cautiously, making her way around the lake towards the trio of beasts. "Advise Seka of our presence and our PEACEFUL intents. Use pretty diplomatic language," she adds in an amused voice. The last time her unnamed AI system had warned someone, it had used Rinyosan's rather... informal... style of speaking and had nearly gotten them both fried. By now, she's halfway to them, and rather nervous. Though her mech couldn't be damaged by that Tarok's gunarm, and the PhiaShip would have to have quite strong weaponry to break MM-BOB's excellent shieldpower, Rin is gonna have to get out of the mech, thus leaving it and her nearly helpless. It leaves a sour taste in her mouth just thinking of it.

"Okay. Camo off." Seemingly materializing from a liquid shimmer in the air into a solid, antique-gold-hulled, Masi-shaped mecha, MM-BOB continues its steady pace forward, gun-bearing tail slung low and unhostile. "ID these individuals if you can." A moment of silence, whilst she feels extremely anxious, bared to their sights and their guns, before the AI replies. "Seka's registered partner is Distant Skavan. He should not be present on Etreus. The black Tarok matches with 95% accuracy the description of one Januya, Tarok elite, partner with Olashi Kahni Jaemis of the Aelt dahn. Their two ships, Chaser and Blackwing, are registered as destroyed and both are thought to be dead. The tan Tarok is an unknown."" Rinyosan flinches, the movement causing her thick corn-yellow mane to spill loosely from its tie over her shoulders. But she's to them now.

"Prepare to lock and record. Kill this hologram." The illusion of being the mech fades as the sight of the tiny cockpit returns, and Rin carefully crouches before muttering, "Lock in place. Keep your ears open and obey any commands I give from without the mech." The brass-gold machine stills and a hatch on the right flank opens. Rinyosan, dressed solely in baggy white trousers and totally unarmed, slips out and stands slowly, white palms upraised to show her peacefulness. "I'm Rinyosan, Masi... xenobiologist. Heard the distress signal and came to investigate," she introduces in the most common tongue she can think of, figuring the name at least will pass any language barriers, and using the least threatening of her three degrees (the other two being fighter-pilot and engineer). Having offered up her own name, she cautiously eyes the three. Contact is necessary... otherwise she'd've happily stayed in the relative safety of MM-BOB and just watched.

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