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Date Posted: 19:22:59 08/01/04 Sun
Author: The Master ( Cerberus )
Subject: Thank you ever so kindly..
In reply to: Anzu Kohitori 's message, "Welcome commitee? *Blinks* That's... surprizing." on 16:25:27 08/01/04 Sun

Full lips curl into a gracious smile, crinkling the corners of his mouth and the neatly trimmed goatee. He lifts his black-gloved hand and gestures for her to wait. Turning slowly, the Master flourishes the other arm and opens the door somehow. He sneaks inside; if one looked in, only blackness could be perceived, that the Time Lord somehow melts into. A most curious thing happens next. As he returns, trailing behind him is a feline-otterlike mammal on a leash. It is quite unsentient and glances about, scenting the air with a heightened curiousity of this totally alien place. Peacock blue eyes gaze up to Anzu and a liquid churr escapes from it's throat. The Master reaches down and pats it fondly.

'This is Cerberus. My guardian, you might say.. the leash is for good measure - he has a tendency to go running into things that end up hurting him, you see.'

The Time Lord's smile returns. His free hand extends towards the young Anzu, his face warm. 'Please, my dear, lead the way.'

He gives a final lingering look to the other array of creatures, and to each he gives a courterous and respectful nod.

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