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Subject: Re: Fanny Framing and Other Observations

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Date Posted: 06:47:26 01/11/25 Sat
In reply to: Madison 's message, "Fanny Framing and Other Observations" on 13:27:19 01/10/25 Fri

Hello Madison,

I first want to give my heartfelt condolences. It is always horrible when losing someone, particularly in this time of year. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I am sure you have found by now that this is a great group of Moms. All of us with our own views and ways we spank, as well as even being able to learn from one another at times. That is one of the reasons I really enjoy this place and have made quite a few friends.

Feelings of anxiety and trepidation are quite normal for the children pre-spanking. It's something I saw all the time with my own and now see with my grandchildren (or other children under my care) when I announce they have earned a spanking, as well. It often even goes beyond that with just outright hard crying and pleading loudly not to be spanked. Letting me know how sorry they are or promising me they "wooon't do it agaaain!" if I just don't spank them "this one tiiime!" But of course we know that it is too late at that point. They have been warned, and most importantly, the lesson needs to be taught. It's all part of being consistent.

Madison, we have a pool in our backyard that has also been put to a lot of use over the years. We don't live in the longer warmer seasons of the US like yourself (we are in the midwest), so the children haven't tanned as well as yours have. But they do get a good tan going a good ways into summer and there is certainly decent framed tan lines. A good 'target', you could say, when a spanking is needed! That said, even with the inviting white target, I still do not limit myself to just their buttocks when I spank. I have always included their thighs as part of a proper spanking, and that includes during the summer months, as well.

I wanted to ask, how has it been going with Eliza? You had last mentioned you were going to start implementing spankings with her. Which I feel was a good decision. How has that worked out?


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Subject Author Date
Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsMadison07:47:08 01/11/25 Sat
Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsMary07:51:36 01/11/25 Sat

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