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Subject: Mom says I'm not spanking you enough!

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Date Posted: 20:25:15 03/09/25 Sun

Hi, I’m Donny and I am 13, almost 14. My sister Evie is 15. I haven’t never wrote anything like this. A week ago when we got home from church my mom sat Evie and me down at the kitchen table and she gave us each several pages she had copied from somewhere off the computer. We was to read them and then switch papers and read those.

They was all these like letters she copied off the computer from parents and kids about spankings. Many of them were about maintaining spankings or whatever they are called where kids get spanked like two or three times a week every week and she put red crayon marks under where the kids was saying stuff like how much better they behaved now. The kids hated the spankings they said but now they said their parents didn’t yell at them all day all the time and they got along better with their sisters and brothers. And yes it is true that my mother it seems like all she did is scream and nag and yell at us every day and if she didn't wallop us good for being bad she had dad do it when he got home.

So anyways after Evie and me read those papers Mum came in and told us this was a big problem with us that she didn’t spank us enough. She said we don’t spank you two anywheres near as often as we should and your father fully agrees with that.

Then she told us to get up and come in the living room where dad was waiting. I seen she had Kleenex and wash cloths and water on the end tables like she always does when she spanks us and dad was in his big leather chair and mum sat on the couch and she told us to both get undressed and take off everything.

Then dad called Evie to him and I had to go over mum’s lap and we both got spanked by hand first until we were really bawling our heads off. Then we were let to get up and cry for a while and told to stand in the two corners beside the big front window with our hands on our heads. My bottom was burning up and I couldn't help dancing up and down but we wasn't allowed to rub our bottoms. Mum had really spanked me hard and I could hear Evie still crying hard in her corner too.

Then after a while mum told us to come back to them and when I went back mum was on the couch and she had a big wooden spoon from the kitchen in her hand with one of those big round flat ends and a long handle for like salads and stuff and she told me to get back over her lap with my forearms and legs on the couch on each side of her. And dad had his leather belt off and he handed Evie a leather cushion to hold in her arms and told her to lie over the big hassock in front of his chair.

Then for what seemed like a hour but was I guess was maybe five or six minutes or so mom whaled me with that spoon on my bottom and thighs and dad smacked Evie with that belt until we were both actually screaming with the pain. And mum said they were going to spank us three times a week like that and she said if she didn’t see a big big improvement in our school work and in our attitudes and behavior at home, she’d try more spankings—like every night after supper if that was what was needed.

So like this past week Evie and I got spanked like that after supper on Tuesday and again on Thursday and again today after we got home from church and mum said she had seen a big big big change for the better in both of us all this week and after supper I should write this note about this on a blank page on the computer and she would copy it and send it to other parents and kids where she got those pages.

Well, it is true I know I have been better behaved this week and it is also true my bottom has been real real sore all week so yeah we are both doing better I guess. The last thing I want is more spankings for sure and Evie just read this and told me to say amen to that for her, too. And mum just read it and she made me add a couple of things but she says this tells it pretty good and I done okay. My name is Donny and mum said she will read them to me if anyone writes back about my note.

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Re: Mom says I'm not spanking you enough!Nick, too04:11:33 03/10/25 Mon
Re: Mom says I'm not spanking you enough!scamptoo09:26:57 03/10/25 Mon
Re: Mom says I'm not spanking you enough!R. (new)14:29:09 03/13/25 Thu

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