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Subject: Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankings

Pastor Robertson
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Date Posted: 20:54:24 02/25/24 Sun
In reply to: ellenb89 to Pastor Robertson 's message, "Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankings" on 17:54:14 02/25/24 Sun

Dear Ellen, yes, those are exactly my thoughts and preferences. And I have experienced this working so well within our Church community for many years.
It’s always better in my opinion for girls, tween and teen, and young ladies to be spanked by a male authority figure. Their dad or step-dad if readily available, but in their absence, or as well as, a male extended family member, or a Church congregation member. In many situations, just because the young lady’s father or step-father administers spankings, that certainly shouldn’t preclude another male authority figure from also doing so if that authority figure deems it is necessary and would provide her with additional loving and nurturing guidance.
Often an outsider is better able to assess that the necessary frequency of guidance spankings is not being met, and they are able to readily step in and provide supplementary support, guidance, and discipline. As we know, it’s the regularity of spankings that adds so much to their value.

Pastor Robertson email: pastorrobertson@proton.me

>>Dear Ellen, yes most certainly I do think the same
>>applies to girls and young ladies, but it seems more
>>common to just automatically continue on with girls
>>spankings through teens and twenties, whereas it seems
>>common unfortunately to not do the same with boys even
>>though their need is usually greater!
>>Pastor Robertson email pastorrobertson@proton.me
>That's great to hear, pastor. Glad you agree. So, if I
>am reading you correctly, even young ladies, let say
>mid to late twenties, should be be spanked at least
>bare bottom mostly by their fathers or if need be by
>an adult male authority figure?
>>>>Hello John,
>>>>Unfortunately I find that way too many parents and
>>>>carers wean teen boys off spankings far, far too
>>>>early, and my thoughts, based on much experience and
>>>>working with families is that spankings should
>>>>continue right through the teen years, and indeed
>>>>the early twenties if the sessions are proving
>>>>fruitful - which they often will be.
>>>>It would be useful to get the opinions of our forum
>>>>members here on this.
>>>>Pastor Robertson - email pastorrobertson@proton.me
>>>Great advice. I was wondering if you feel the same
>>>way about girls/young ladies. We did with our
>>>daughters and our grandaughters were raised the same
>>>>>Pastor, how old do you say this kind of spanking
>>>>>should finish?
>>>>>John W
>>>>>>I must admit I got a chuckle reading Jamie’s
>>>>>>straightforward logic. No argument there Jamie.
>>>>>>Nice too seeing another church representative here
>>>>>>Pastor John giving Lucy needed encouragement and
>>>>>>guidance, and I certainly agree with his comments.
>>>>>>Lucy, please stick at it, and taking up your
>>>>>>sister’s offer sounds sensible. Regular bare
>>>>>>spankings are most definitely the way to go.
>>>>>>Please keep us advised.
>>>>>>Pastor Robertson

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Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankingsellenb89 to Pastor Robertson09:47:48 02/26/24 Mon

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