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Subject: Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankings

Update on Sons Spanking
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Date Posted: 04:17:27 02/26/24 Mon
In reply to: Pastor John 's message, "Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankings" on 16:32:07 02/22/24 Thu

>>>>I am a single mom and have a 12 year old son who is
>>>>very naughty and answers back all the time. He does
>>>>not do what he is told. Every time I try to
>>>>a sound bare bottom spanking over my knees he
>>>>and I cannot administer the spanking soundly. I told
>>>>my sister this and she said she would help me in
>>>>spanking him by holding his legs during the entire
>>>>bare bottom spanking. She also said he needs a very
>>>>long hand spanking followed by a sound hairbrush
>Given that your son is resisting your discipline, you
>might consider having him fully undressed. The benefit
>of this is that it truly establishes your authority
>and is very humbling for him. Do let me know how it
>>>>bottom spanking. Not sure what to do. Should my
>>>>hold his legs during the bare bottom spanking. She
>>>>said my son needs to be well spanked and this is the
>>>>way to do it since he resists his spankings.
>>>By all means, take advantage of your sisters offer
>>>follow her advice! Your son is testing you and trying
>>>to see if you'll give up disciplining him. If you
>>>don't, he will think that he can get away with
>>>anything, much to his detriment.
>>Thank you for getting back to me on this. Yes my son
>>needs a very sound spanking and maybe with my sister
>>assisting his spankings I will be able to spank him
>>soundly once and for all. Should the spanking be fully
>>naked or just with his pants and underwear pulled down
>>since he is a 12 year old boy?

Thank you. Here is the update. My 12 year old son was spanked last night with the help of my sister. He did resist a lot but with the two of us were able to hold him in place and restrain him for his long over due long bare bottom spanking. We both took him into the living room. I scolded him first than my sister. We told him to get undressed which he would not so my sister held him while I took all his cloths off. We decided he was going to be spanked naked for additional punishment and embarrassment in front of my sister. I sat down on a chair while my sister grabbed him by the ear and brought him to me and after resisting we both got him across my knees. He was screaming and yelling and even cursed my sister. We told him after his spanking he will be getting a good soap mouth washing. My sister held his ankles with her two hands. I scolded him more than began to administer his bare bottom hand spanking. It was a long one. I started off slow than picked up the pace. I spanked steady for at least 3 min none stop. His bottom was bright pink than. I stopped and scolded him again and my sister still held him in place as I continued his long long hand spanking. My sister said to me she was going to get the hairbrush for the rest of his spanking. My son started screaming and crying for us to stop the spanking but my sister told him his spanking will continue until he is well spanked. I started the hand spanking again while my sister went to get the hairbrush. He was kicking his legs back and forth like a 5 year old. Once my sister came with the hairbrush in her hand she stood there with her hands on her hips watching the bare bottom spanking. I stopped the hand spanking and she handed me the hairbrush and went back to holding his legs again. I proceeded to spank again with the hairbrush until his bare bottom was red as an apple. He was crying like a baby. It was a long hairbrush spanking also. We got him up and brought him into the bathroom I held him there as my sister washed out his mouth with soap and scolded him and spanked him also. After a good soaping he was placed in the corner and scolded again by the both of us. My siter gave him an additional 15 spanks with her hand for back talking to her as he stood in the corner for 30 mins. After that we put him to bed naked face down on his bed as additional punishment with his bottom exposed. I hope this works and our spanking was not to harsh. Let me know mothers and everyone else what are your thoughts. Thanks again for all of your help.

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