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Subject: \\Wicked//

Usher of Death
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Date Posted: 14:33:33 11/11/02 Mon
In reply to: §partan 's message, "*blinks* .. i cant believe this.." on 16:31:45 11/10/02 Sun

\\Taking his haunting glare from the mare, he burden the Light fool with it, biting a lip to hold in his cruel laughter. A muscled chest, he tried to keep from quivering, as he continued to look the weakling over//

Little birds? You might want to watch your tongue, little halfwit. These little birds, especially this one, will make a exstensive mess out of you.

\\A heinous smile fell from the brute, so coated in sarcasm that it crashed to the ground in thunder. Circle, the unipeg did to the intruder, snicker at the form.//

You must be pretty brave interupting my surveying like this, huh? And just as I was about to speak to this pretty lady....shame. I wonder how the bravery and attitude will equal to this you pitifully displayed before us, once I tear your hide apart. But we'll find out later. Excuse me.

\\With a horrid snear, he turned his back to the stallion, and his eyes lit in the midst of those of she. A cordial grin was given, until it melted back into his handsome face. Stealing a breath, his gravely voice spilled before her//

So Pirate's Treasure sent ya. I don't mind a bit of company. But uh....we'll see how much of an honor it is soon enough. What did you say your name was again?

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• Đisgrace. To fight this Birdys Face •§partan17:20:15 11/11/02 Mon

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