Subject: • Đisgrace. To fight this Birdys Face • |
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Date Posted: 17:20:15 11/11/02 Mon
In reply to:
Usher of Death
's message, "\\Wicked//" on 14:33:33 11/11/02 Mon
• Unisus' grins sardonically towards this other, such harsh words for a tender 'bod. Greece-enbodied freshhold sharply glares towards the circling vulture. ± What ever you say, you'll still be a freaking bird ..halfwit. ± He calls towards this .. rhetorical other. Slight amusement fills the ravens temperment as his opponent gives him a sarcastic present, he cocks his head to one side, stretching his wings out to relieve them of any knots. He didn't want any of those, for what he wished to do to this fool. ± I'll only excuse you for living. ± he grumbles under his breath, as he ponders what kind of a confident dult turns his back to an opponent. But who was he to question their skills? • •Cavorting forth, the multi-toned entity wove antagonistically between mammoth, tawny trunks of the gargantuan willows, their jade caked, paper thin leaves brutally writhing in agony – the shredding tempests ceaseless in their bellicose dance. The majestic warbled sanguine notes to his opposee, the ranked superior he vowed with vile contempt to send crashing to earth. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The night canvas scorched under unrepenting solar strife, nigrescent banners slapping the arid hide. Pistons idling, the entity hovered, studying his opponent.
Appendages lugged out of their sluggish state and rhythmically pounded the quagmire. Musky scent intermingling with the telltale flash of abhorrence, the pratistic noble readied his shoulder. Procrastinating none, the boneage of his offside shoulder sought to connect with his hind torso. The screechings of birds surrounding offered him rewards for his valience and resolve and none too soon, collapsing his substancial weight behind this brutal charge, his intent to throw the other off balance with awesome force. His teeth gnash as he charges. Chatreuse stains glint on the manila of dulled incissors. It was a gamble but one worth it. Swerving immediately after having righted himself, pistons revolved him to stand strangely with the firey cohort, the single difference being his maw facing the other’s rump. Bolting to his strategic offence, stygian enamels rose in perfect timing, hindlegs supporting the bulk of the attacker. At a 45 degree angle, fores struck with pugnient daring, slashing out at the hind kneecaps once, twice, thrice. It would hopefully leave the back legs damaged, obliterated beyond use. Wheeling to shift the burden from front pistons to back, the hooves struck out with powerful, undeniable force at the other’s ribcage. Ethereal beauty struck again and again until he was sure of herself and bolted away, skidding about from immediate striking distance, a shredding cry of hostile effort echoing. ± Fly away bird, before the duck hunters arrive. ±
ooc: .. Ohh! goody.. *claps* that was fun.. if you don't find it, don't apply this message to your character. Just take it as my total warning ;P
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