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Wednesday, March 12, 13:03:51Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678910 ]

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Date Posted: Thu, Oct 15 2020, 12:15:28 PDT
Author: Steve Gattis (GATTIS)
Author Host/IP: host-67-44-224-142.hnremote.net /
Subject: Re: Jackie Kays
In reply to: Edwin Smith 's message, "Jackie Kays" on Wed, Oct 14 2020, 10:07:09 PDT

Jackie was a fine friend and brother who suffered the loss of his first wife and son to the scourge of cancer. Now, it has taken him and left the VSPA with a deep loss that will affect all of those who knew him as well as those who had never met him but had read his poetry. Jackie, a retired Air Policeman, an investigator, a boxer, a Life Member of the VSPA, and most importantly a loving Dad, wrote books, poetry and very often shared his thoughts on the VSPA Bulletin Board. He wrote the following on December 3, 2013:

* Let My Spirit Soar *

When I die throw my ashes to the wind, so I may soar with eagles across this great land of red, white and blue.
Let me sail over the snow capped mountains, into the green valleys far below, across the golden prairies and from the Atlantic to the Pacific shores.

I am so proud to have lived my life in the land of the free and fought side by side with men,who knew the meaning of valor, and risked their lives to keep freedom ringing, until this very day.

No place on this earth compares to the good old US of A!

Let my spirit soar in the wind for eternity over this God given land of ours and may that red white and blue banner wave for evermore!

Throw my ashes to the four winds and let my spirit soar!

Jackie R. Kays
(c) 12/03/13

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