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Date Posted: Sun, Feb 12 2023, 20:31:16 PST
Author: Jerry R Nelson
Author Host/IP: 104-5-152-173.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: 2023 VSPA Reunion Location

My Brothers and Sisters,

This information is being forwarded to keep you updated on the changing status of our 2023 reunion. We vote on reunion locations two years in advance so that the planning process can begin, both with the squadron and the request for proposals for hotels. We select three locations each year, primary, secondary, and a backup. Our members selected Destin, Florida (Eglin AFB) as the primary location for the 2023 reunion. The Reunion Brat worked very hard to procure a hotel that could meet our requirements, which include on-site banquet facilities and a Hospitality Room.

After an exhaustive effort, the only hotel that could support the size of our group wanted to change $200 per night plus taxes because October is in their prime season. Hotels were not receptive of a Hospitality Room, which has become an increasingly difficult issue, regardless of location. We thought we had located a hotel in Pensacola, Florida where the room charge was $149 per night; however, they could not accommodate the size of our group for a reception dinner or awards banquet, which would have required additional cost for bus transportation. That was unacceptable!

Our secondary site was Dayton, Ohio (Wright-Patterson AFB). We were able to find rooms with an acceptable rate; however, banquet facilities were unavailable. The only option was to have the banquet at the USAF National Museum and pay a facility use fee of $2500, not counting the meal charge, which would have been $5,000 plus meals for both the reception dinner and the awards banquet. Bus transportation fees would have also been required. As you can imagine, that was also unacceptable and well beyond our price range.

The backup location selected by our members was Charleston, South Carolina (Joint Base Charleston). The Crowe Plaza Airport Hotel in Charleston was able to satisfy all of our requirements. This is the same hotel where we held our 2013 reunion. It has been recently renovated, has space for all our activities, and will allow a Hospitality Room. Our Brother, Gary Jones, conducted a visit and vetted the hotel for us. He reported that it easily meets our needs. After a Board of Directors (BOD) conference call, your BOD unanimously voted to move our 2023 reunion to Charleston, South Carolina.
As you can imagine, this year has been very challenging, especially due to the economy. I regret that we could not find a location that was suitable and affordable in either Destin, Florida or Dayton, Ohio. I am very happy to finally be able to announce the location for this year’s reunion. Charleston is acceptable and was chosen by our members during the 2021 annual business meeting. The reunion dates will remain the same: October 4 – 8, 2023!
I really look forward to seeing everyone in Charleston, South Carolina. There are many venues in the area to explore and Charleston is a wonderful place to visit. The history, food and southern hospitality awaits all of us. Details and hotel reservation information will be released in a reunion flyer very soon. We will also announce the details in the next edition of Guardmount.

Thanks for your patience and, again, I look forward to seeing you soon.

Jerry Nelson
President, VSPA

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