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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 06 2023, 11:47:40 PDT
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: D-Day 6 JUN 1944: NORMANDY


The Greatest Generation earned our enduring gratitude as they landed on Normandy’s beaches in true hellfire and brimstone. U.S. KIA alone rivaled the Civil War Gettysburg’s Picket’s Charge, where roles were reversed and U.S. rained death on over 1,500 Confederate States of America troops (who called that war the War Between The States).

At Normandy, Americans died to keep our nation safe, and to reclaim freedom for Nazi conquered nations (who at times remember their sacrifices when Russians rattle or swing their swords)— and Gettysburg, to preserve the Union.

Our schools fail our students by failing to teach the battles fought, not to conquer, but to let freedom prevail when trampled upon. Evidence is plentiful: the rare student my know the significance on Dec 7, 1941. Fewer still know U.S. death toll’s tremendous count. Virtually none know that reapers take for all U.S. wars is greater than 1.2 million.

We can only pay tribute as we can; sharing these dates with our veteran brothers.

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