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Date Posted: Mon, Sep 11 2023, 17:34:09 PDT
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: unn-149-50-212-73.datapacket.com /
Subject: 11 September 2001: The Day the Towers Came Down

9/11 . . . The Day the Towers came Down.

As was my ritual, while dressing for work (before retirement) I listened to News on radio; then took a few minutes to swill a cup while watching News on the Family Room widescreen. There were a lot of anxious OMGs, and I realized an aircraft had struck of NY's Twin Towners— the camera showed it burning profusely, black smoke billowing.

I thought it must be an accident, like the similar crash of a WWII bomber striking the Empire State building, which was tragic . I also knew on a busy day 33,000 people could be in the Towers.

-- I had to leave for work.

My car's Radio News reported Tower occupants higher up were falling or jumping from the building. News reported crowds on the ground stood riveted, staring in unrestrained horror while others were running in every direction. Sirens could be heard, and people were screaming as a loud "plops" sounded. The commentator speculated on what caused the sounds: falling debris, chunks of concrete or thick panels of shatter-proof glass… anything but what it turned out to be. Then a rookie commentator connected the plopping sounds that always followed within seconds with each jumper. It seemed surreal to think and understand that simple truth; I can still hear it today-- like the smell of death, there's nothing like that sound of death of innocents.

Something seemed very wrong -- a second Aircraft hit the other NY Tower. This was not an accidental crash into a building—it had to be another terrorist attack. I stopped at a large Walmart and ran in, quickly buying a 22" TV to plug to at my office at California Baptist University, Riverside, CA.

I quickly parked in my-spot and ran inside, plugged the TV, dialed the channels around to one that was carrying The Towers story-- and the First Tower began collapsing, adding a much louder plopping-sound as floor-by-floor accordioned-downward until it fell surreal into itself; obscured by a growing cloud of debris rivalling the most monstrous Thunderhead Clouds I had ever seen.

As Director of Public Safety, students were bustling to and fro— some aware of the Towers , and others not —nevertheless, a growing crowd of students juggled for a better view of my office TV.

TV News cameras were everywhere, and some stood stoically videoing tsunami-clouds roiling down intersection’s streets at them. You could see people racing into stories or climbing into cars trucks, and emergency vehicles to avoid the choking storm— and those ingulfed and consumed. Somewhere else, people were walking out of the clouds totally pasted with disintegrated cement dust. Zombies--Real Zombies straight from hell. Helpers poured bottle-water on the lucky few to help clear their eyes. Emergency Responder Zombies gasping for breath, choking, hacking, sitting on curbs or benches, blinded with gravel-eyes.

Tower-2 began to collapse, with the repetitious staggered-frightening louder ploy-plop-plop floor-onto-floor sound, each descending a little faster gaining weight from pulverized everything and atomized souls from above. You just knew with every ratcheting-echoing plop, hundreds of people were being killed. The lesser plops had stopped. Oh Lord... I prayed ... but could not pull words from my heart to express or convey what I and countless Americans were witnessing.

The President was going to address the nation— America was under attack.

-- Where were you when The Towers came Down?

Don Poss

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