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Date Posted: Sat, Dec 16 2023, 10:46:07 PST
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Revised poem: Brothers, I Don't Want You To Die. (w/Archive email responses)

I Don’t Want You to Die …
© 2008 (revised 2023), by Don Poss

There was a time when our numbers
shook the Earth of Vietnam and Thailand
As Defenders of The Fortress!

Air Police . . . Security Police.
Twenty Thousand Strong . . .
Young warriors we were . . .
The Fortress was safe.

For a decade, the enemy tried our perimeters, and fell
upon our swords— and died. Our Eagles winged away
and returned at their leisure.
The Fortress was safe.

Our blood was shed . . . the cost of freedom—
One Hundred Twelve dead . . . five-hundred wounded.
The Fortress was safe.

Then we came Home,
One by One.
The Fortress was safe. We were not.

Our numbers grow fewer as decades fall away; Gary,
Newell, Jackie, The Old Cowboy . . . too many to name
who’ve joined those resting in peace, the otherside of
The Wall. We die too young, too often, as lingering
shadows in Agent Orange coffins.

We shall guard Heaven's Pearly Gates—with treasured
memories of brothers who remain—we will miss and
remember their faces once so young—now laughing old
whiskers— these brothers we shared time with under
Hell's sun.
Heaven is safe.

Brothers, I don’t want you to die …
Stay a while longer and Hold the Fortress
Remember those who fell, and the Monuments we
built so their names would be read a hundred years
from now and learn of when our numbers shook Earth
and Sky, and those who would cause us harm feared the
Defenders of the Fortress, paid reaper’s toll—
The Fortress was safe—
None ever lost.


eMail Responses:

Date Posted: Sat, Jan 05 2008, 0:54:27 PST
Author: Edwin Jack Smith 377th SPS 68-69 LM453

In reply to: Don Poss 's message, "A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers" on Fri, Jan 04 2008, 23:37:06 PST
Don; You have said a mouth full with that poem. I hope everyone who visits the BB takes the time to read this piece of work and remember it. Jack The Old Cowboy

Date Posted: Sat, Jan 05 2008, 4:03:54 PST
Author: Howard Yates
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
Don: That is one of the most beautifully worded, thought provoking and emotional poems I have ever read. You have expressed something we all think about and have done it masterfully. Thank you for sharing your time and talent. Howard

Date Posted: Sat, Jan 05 2008, 4:25:03 PST
Author: Janet Matthews-Wise
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers Very nice, very-very nice.

Author: Chaplain Jim LM #442
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
Great poem brother Don. I seemed, however, to have problems reading it with the mist in my eyes.

Author: Phil Carroll - LM #336
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
That's beautiful, Don, and very deeply meaningful. Thanks for sharing your limitless talents with us yet again. Phil

Author: Greg Cain
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
Don: So eloquent, so beautiful, so us. Thank you. Greg Cain

Author: Newell M. Swartz
Subject: Re: A Poem In Remembrance of Brothers
Don, what an eloquent memorial tribute and as I read it a plea to our remaining brothers to continue the good fight and keep alive the memory of our brothers who have gone before us, many all too soon. Lord look after us, one and all. Newell

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