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Date Posted: Wed, Dec 27 2023, 20:31:58 PST
Author: Steve Gattis
Author Host/IP: host-67-44-224-103.hnremote.net /

Hello to all.

I had a great phone conversation with Richard Garcia today. He asked that I provide an update on his status in rehab for a broken ankle and the tibia/fibula bones above the ankle that he sustained when he fell on the stairs in his home on December 15th. He had surgery the following day to repair the compound fractures with a steel rod and screws. He was released from the hospital on Tuesday, December 19, and sent to a rehab facility where he remains today and through New Years Day.

Richard asked me to specifically thank the VSPA Sisterhood for the lovely bouquet of flowers they sent, as well as the cards and get well wishes from many of you. They lifted his spirits, especially over Christmas. He was sad that he missed Ramona’s birthday.

The doctor inspected the site of the surgery today, removed some of the staples, and changed the bandages. The doctor and the rehab staff are pleased with Richard’s progress, although he will not be released until he can place weight on his foot, which he cannot do at this time. For now, he alternates between bed, a wheelchair, and a walker for rehab.

Richard has his cell phone with him and would appreciate calls as well as cards. A mass email will be sent with his phone number and address information.

Steve Gattis

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