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Date Posted: Thu, Jan 11 2024, 14:18:05 PST
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: New Membership Chair position

VSPA Gents,

This is the first time I’ve ever asked members to ”completely read anything” It’s only two short pages.
VSPA needs a new Membership Chair—now: The Membership Chair plays a vital part in gathering information we preserve and joins the membership team that has made VSPA happen daily since 1995.
Recently appointed VSPA Membership Chair Don Graham was
unable to begin his work due to health issues and Doctor's
orders. Currently, Paul Shave (previous Membership Chair)
has agreed to "briefly" monitor Membership Chair duties and
help with the transition to a new Membership Chair. Paul
also had stepped down from Membership Chair after many
successful years of service because of family health issues.
Our membership and leadership are aging.

What does the Membership Chair do?

The Membership Chair position requires commitment,
dedication, reliability and tenacity to make the position
work. It is also personally rewarding. When I joined VSPA
in late 1995, I committed to coding a webpage for a six
months period—nearly 30 years ago. I’ve received more from
members than I could ever give. Here follows membership’s
main duties.

Duties Include:

• Membership Chair Welcomes New members and Life Memberships
and announces their the Bulletin Board and Face Book.
• Membership Chair gathers and stores new membership
Applications and DD-214’s, and confirms with the Treasurer dues were received.
• The Membership Chair fields membership complaints and maintains complaint-status communications until the issue is closed.
• Membership Chair works with Board members and closely with
the Webmaster/Director of Communications to assist members
with maintaining current records information and solving or
resolving problems.
• An ability to use Excel spreadsheets would be nice but is
"not required." You will email the applicant member’s new information to me on a form I provide, and I will handle it.
• How the Membership Chair’s role impacts VSPA:

Membership Management gathers information used in the
membership-spreadsheet to design rosters for every RVN/RTAFB
Air Bases and Squadrons during the Vietnam War. Contents are
also used for lists, rosters, stories, poetry, photos, and
monuments honoring our fallen.
VSPA has plans in progress with the USAF Security Forces Museum (Lackland Joint Air Base, TX) to enhance their
ability to inform and educate the public concerning how USAF
Air Police and Security Police were engaged in guarding the
Air Bases fortresses, protecting the Eagles’ Nests, in Vietnam and Thailand.
Gathered information will aide current and future researchers, validate research papers, monuments info,and
stories. Importantly, our collective information gathered
will speak for us to current and future Air Force and
Guardian Security Forces about USAF Air Police and Security
Police squadrons at war.
Posting at VSPA.com and sharing our collection with the
Security Forces Museum will speak to tour groups, students,
and current and future Security Forces and Guardian about
our role, achievements, lessons learned, and the cost paid
in blood for our legacy: “No enemy ever conquered or overran
an Air Base in Vietnam or Thailand guarded by Air Police and
Security Police Squadrons”—None.
The Membership Chair will help fulfill our moto, “We Take
Care of Our Own,” demonstrating VSPA’s brotherhood role in
service to our members, remembering our Fallen, preserving
our collective stories of valor, bravery, combat, and casualties killed in action or line of duty of Duty as Defenders of the Fortress.
Please consider taking up the reins for the Membership
Chair and helping out--this includes you, Augmentees! We
need someone who really cares about VSPA and is "unwilling"
to see our collective stories and Legacy simply fade away.
I will put you in contact with Paul Shave and myself to
assure you we are always available to help with questions
and training for this extremely important role.
Email me (Don Poss, mailto:dp-d lm37@vspa.com) so that we can discuss the Membership Chair. I will then present your name to the Board for approval—We Need you.

VSPA Leadership Background:
From 1995 through today, our membership continues to grow,
including 1,052 Life Members. VSPA’s “first-wave” members
of Air Police and Security Police stepped up and formed the
Board and Committees and developed a first-rate association
and website, recognized by the U.S. Air Force and military
organizations across America.
Many of the first-wave of VSPA members have pass away over
the years after serving in various Offices of VSPA and are
now listed on our RIP-111 Roster at
(https://vspa.com/pdf/rosters/ vspa_rip-111_(a-z;_graves).pdf); that roster surpasses our 112 killed in
action or line of duty Roster for KIA-LOD.
We are a terminal-association in the membership aging-
stage, and many members have agent orange illnesses. I know
there are younger members who served in Vietnam or Thailand
during the later years of the Vietnam War, and some are up
to ten years younger than I (class of 1965). It's time for
members to step up and help VSPA maintain our association
into the future.

Don Poss, VSPA dp-lm37@vspa.com

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