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Date Posted: Sun, Jan 28 2024, 13:20:30 PST
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: unn-149-50-212-9.datapacket.com /
Subject: Why did you NOT re-enlist in the Air Force?


Why did you NOT re-enlist in the Air Force?

My reason:
I enlisted in the AF, requesting "military police dutries" in order to gain LE experience along the way, so-as to be able to join Long Beach Police Department when I discharged. I had zero clue "Air Police" entailed standing in front of a KC-97 at Malstrom AFB, MT, or Minuteman Missles sites, then when JFK was assasinated, was assigned to Bergstrom, AFB, Austin, TX, to beef up the security at the new president's (LBJ) hometown. I did about a year and a have in LE--great duty assignment--before volunteering for Vietnam; very quickly assigned to Da Nang AB. Within a short time TOPDOG45 roared in and A1C Al Watts recruted me as a handler. I was a skinny little guy and Blacky 129X had a "bad-dog" rupitiation bitting handler-applicants. I was a skull-full-of-mush and didn't know I was to light-weight for a dog the size of Blacky; he probably thought it was funny, me trying to boss him around, and we got along super from almost-day-one-ish. :)

How about you -- Why did you NOT re-enlist in the Air Force?

Don Poss

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