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Date Posted: Thu, Nov 14 2024, 19:49:21 PST
Author: 287
Author Host/IP: syn-104-173-033-018.res.spectrum.com /
Subject: Re: How do you take care of your own?
In reply to: Bruce 's message, "Re: How do you take care of your own?" on Tue, Nov 05 2024, 22:41:28 PST


You are correct in noticing the deterioration in use of the bulletin boards (BBs; VSPA and FFZ). It takes people to make anything happen. As often as not, those holding things together have more than one VSPA iron in the fire. It can become demanding, whereas we should be with our grandkids, or taking a day off.

A majority of our members discovered VSPA at our website, learning they were not alone, and there are answers to some of their questions, help with their VA claims and many other areas of support.

A majority have never stepped forward to take on a task to help VSPA continue providing a quality product in areas that interest them; like the Bulletin Board, which has been rudderless for about two years. Some of those who have handled a BB don't like it when a couple of wise guys, out of the huge membership we have, become intentionally disruptive, rude, profane, vulgar, or threatening. So they move on.

Many staffers stay for years, and the association greatly benefits by their work. They generally leave because of health issues.

Some still have been in place for decades; nearly from the beginning of our association and are now aging out with growing health concerns.

Nevertheless, members a decade younger than us still do not volunteer to step up and help out; with anything.

Like you, I am not bitter, but disappointed what I have written is true... for any terminal organization.

Both you and Larry have identified needs for a failing bulletin board. I'm sure others have to. It is easy for any member to step back or remain in the shadows for whatever reason, or lack of interest, to help the association remain as we were, and are, and hope to be.

Don Poss

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