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Date Posted: 10:46:50 05/26/14 Mon
Author: Lazlo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Clarification
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt." on 09:24:25 05/26/14 Mon

"Goodness! I forgot you think the fan club is the Liars Club...sorry about that Dear. It'll never happen again! Cross my heart!"

Linda dearest, I know Trevor is a liar. The fan club are people who join up because they are fans of Brian's. These people aren't spreading lies. Trevor is.
One thing that does bother me, is how you (or maybe what Trevor tells you) keep on saying the "fan club's investigation", as if a bunch of people wearing Brian Jones t-shirts are/were sitting around trying to solve Brian's murder. Linda, it was Trevor's investigation. Trevor is the president of the fan club, he is the spokesperson. There is no other staff or officers. The investigation was done by Trevor and his team, not the fan club members.
I'm sure all the members of the fan club are nice people and I'm not talking bad about them. Trevor is the liar and for the millionth time, I'll stand by that statement and be happy to back it up right here in public anytime without fear of being accused of slander or libel.

"I also didn't TELL you to read the book, only that MAYBE you should read it. No commandment, just a low key suggestion."

I understand and apologize for coming across harsh, but I was trying to make a point.
In your response to me, you completely ignored my request for you to post a link to Seth's findings and also my request as to what exactly Seth came out with that were in line with Trevor's findings.
I posted three examples of what I've known Trevor to have made public, were Seth's findings along the lines of what I've posted?
What are Seth's and Trevor's similar findings?

Additionally, I found it ironic that now you are posting about Trevor's findings that came "out", when in the Linda Lawrence/Dream Team thread on this board, you said that Trevor didn't make any findings public because the police didn't make them "official". Which brings me to question if Seth's and Trevor's similar findings were brought out by Trevor, were those findings brought to Sussex Police? Did the Sussex Police "bless" those findings which is why they came out?
Bottom line Linda, in the dream team thread you said no findings came out, in this thread, you said that findings came out. Trevor has you arguing both sides. This is Trevor's way, he sits back and lets you argue for him.

"If I was out of line, just tell me to buzz off, and I'm gone...no offense taken."

No you weren't out of line at all, not at all I know it was a suggestion. I would never tell anyone to leave this board, quite the opposite and you know I've repeatedly posted here that Trevor is more than welcome to come here to address my assertations or to post about anything else.

"Yes we're literal strangers, so I might have taken a little umbrage at being sworn at and bounced all over the place on this board."

Linda, other using the term "sack of shit" which was directed at Trevor, not you, I don't believe I've sworn at you. (Maybe I called Trevor a "fucking liar" at one time?)

Maybe I'm getting too old for your sort of spleen, but if one can't stand the fire, one must get out of the kitchen

Linda, on the fan club forum, you can tout and champion Trevor all you like, and everyone will agree with you, they have no choice, they have to. Here, if you are going to make statements about Trevor, people are ALLOWED to disagree with you if they think you might be wrong.
Even if you and I do not see eye to eye about Trevor or anything else, it certainly isn't personal, I'll still like you. I won't make photoshop pictures of you and mock you like the fan club moderators do to people they don't like.

" You sure know how to light fires, Lazlo!"

No. I don't. Trevor set the fire. I'm the guy who's running around screaming "Fire Fire, get out while you can!". Trevor is the guy saying "ignore those flames, don't listen to him"

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