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~mistake~ -- ~Mysterious Vixen~, 16:57:54 01/10/02 Thu
^As one tries, so also must one fail^
~ebon-hued hellion moves 'cross the plain, firey presence showing through orbs, rage and contempt presented toward other as challenge is heard, onyx pistons leap into motion as approach is made, audits pinned 'gainst cranium, onyx daggers slide to a halt before inferior as burst of wind is passed through flared nasal, accepting challenge~
^As the sun also rises and sets, this hellion shall rule the eve^
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(Forgot something.....revised)~Mistake~ -- ~Mysterious Vixen~, 17:42:16 01/10/02 Thu
^As one tries, so also must one fail^
~ebon-hued hellion moves 'cross the plain, firey presence showing through orbs, rage and contempt presented toward other as challenge is heard, onyx pistons leap into motion as approach is made, audits pinned 'gainst cranium, onyx daggers slide to a halt before group as burst of wind is passed through flared nasal, accepting presence of other, banner flicking wildly awaiting the fight to come~
^As the sun also rises and sets, this hellion shall rule the eve^
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*snorts in anger* -- Rage, 14:36:08 01/11/02 Fri
*She snorts in anger and whinnies angrilly, she wants to speak to Bronco II before she even thinks about fighting. She is going to have a foal and is concerned for it's health. She whinnies once more for Bronco II*
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(No, try you have to fight,) -- Honor bright's Player once more, 16:29:33 01/11/02 Fri
or give me proof that you are bearing his foal, in which you are not so get to the chasm while i get some Popcorn!)
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~watches~ -- ~Mysterious Vixen~, 16:44:51 01/11/02 Fri
^Many will try and few will succed^
~inky fatale stands in her place, reguarding other suspiciously, as the lightning strikes beyond the terra of horizon, reflecting in raven hellion orbs~
^Only a fool will rush to their defeat^
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((actually) -- Bronco II, 19:09:18 01/11/02 Fri
Rage is in foal. look at the post below somewhere. and Mysterious Vixen.. do you think your alpha? cause your not.. sorry to say so, but Rage is alpha right now)) *he stands not quite sure what to do. This was what the other stallions he lived with did. First his father, than another stallion that his mother hated, then Crimson War, another stallion his mother lived with befor he left her side*
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(You think your smart now don't yeh?) -- Honor Bright, 20:35:21 01/11/02 Fri
(( Mares entering this game can only bear offspring from a stallion that joined this game now i saw no post of you and her together like that so she does have to fight and is not in foal.))
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.: Shake :. -- Pepsi, 01:12:14 01/12/02 Sat
Mare flares her nostrils, dark brown eyes fixed on Rage. She shakes her head. Are you willing to rise to the challenge, or do you fear it?
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/*\ Light /*\ -- Dancing Jem, 01:15:28 01/12/02 Sat
She dances lightly, ears flickering. What is going to happen?
OOC: I don't mean to be out of place, but ... that was a bit mean, what you said to Mysterious Vixen! You didn't have to phrase it quite like that. :P
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(Actually) -- Mysterious Vixen, 07:18:54 01/12/02 Sat
Thanks Gem....
Bronco I came in here and claim the position and rage never said anything to me about being alpha!So technically I am but I stepped down quietly because she is freaking out because someone challenged her, so no I dont think im alpha!I never posted anything that would put me in the place of alpha so you had no grounds to write that!
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/*\ Agreement /*\ -- Dancing Jem, 07:42:30 01/12/02 Sat
Bobs her head in agreement.
OOC: Us mares gotta stick together... :)
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((..)) -- Bronco II, 13:15:09 01/12/02 Sat
((but i did say that Rage was alpha when she first joined me. She was the first mare to come to this region with me, so I dudbded her Alpha, and also, i didnt mean to be mean, i tryed to say that. and Honoe Bright if your still here, If you say mares can not come her in foal, or have a foal when they first come how come you dong try and stop any of the other mares who are comming in saying that they are in foal, or have a foal already?))
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(Oh dear ) -- Honor Bright, 15:50:55 01/12/02 Sat
((You are correct I suppose i just really don't like cowards now do I? Tally ho.))
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*She stomps* -- Rage, 14:41:20 01/12/02 Sat
*She stomps her foot in anger and gallops to the t.t. border. She rears a whinnies to Bronco II saying, "I will leave if I must. These mares do not believe that I will be having a foal, I know I will and I will not fight. If I get hit in the stomach the foal will be hurt. I was dubbed Alpha by you and if I have to fight for a position given to me then I will leave." she stands there watching him, her foot extended, she is ready to run away.*
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.: Bound :. -- Naranja, 15:29:31 01/12/02 Sat
Almost grown filly watches, head high and cocked slightly, her tail flicking about her hocks. She blows through her nostrils then suddenly bounds away, forelegs straight as she bucks and leaps, lashing out at the other herd members. Of all Pepsi's foals, she has inheritated the most dominence.
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*he gallops tword Rage and nuzzles her pleadingly* -- Bronco II, 20:21:21 01/12/02 Sat
*he did not want he to go, and he did not really want a fight to break out now.. why did Pepsi have to be so dominent and why did she have to pick a fight now? It wasnt right.. if a foal was in danger he would have to do something.. anything.. he calls out to Pepsi, maybe she would reconsider, and if she didnt, he would chose Rage to stay*
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Raider calls out to Rage, her voice filled with loss... -- Shadow Raider, 16:12:46 01/12/02 Sat
She ants her friend to come back, she will defend Rage's position if she is allowed.
Raider ducks her head to avoid being caught by the foals small hooves, wondering why the foal is lashing out at all the mares...
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*She watches everyone from border* -- Rage, 16:39:18 01/12/02 Sat
*She watches everyone from the border. She whinnies thankfully to Shadow Raider for wanting to help her. She waits to see if Bronco II will do anything or if he even cares she might be leaving. She stays right where she is by the border ready to run.*
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*gallops up to Rage and nuzzles her pleadingly* -- Bronco II, 20:22:52 01/12/02 Sat
*he did not want he to go, and he did not really want a fight to break out now.. why did Pepsi have to be so dominent and why did she have to pick a fight now? It wasnt right.. if a foal was in danger he would have to do something.. anything.. he calls out to Pepsi, maybe she would reconsider, and if she didnt, he would chose Rage to stay*
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.: Calm :. -- Pepsi, 03:48:47 01/13/02 Sun
The mare watches calmly, unperturbed. If this other would rather run the risk of living by herself and leaving a perfectly good herd, just because her position has been threatened, then it is no concern of hers. Of course she shall not fight if the other is really in foal, but it is in her blood to be dominant, there is no way around - it's what she does.
She tosses her head and calls irratibly to Naranja, chiding the filly for being disrespectful.
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/*\ Nervous /*\ -- Dancing Jem, 03:53:27 01/13/02 Sun
The young mare paws nervousely at the ground. If she had been capable of the feeling, she would have been embaressed by her dam's behaviour, even though she knows she should have expected it. But she can't understand why their current alpha would rather run and leave the herd then stand up for herself against the newcommer. She whickers softly, rolling her eyes.
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*Stay* -- Rage, 04:39:54 01/13/02 Sun
*She stays. She was not leaving because her position was being threatened, it was for the safety of her foal. She walks a few paces away from the border and looks around at everyone. She stays silent and she stays away from everyone.*
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*trots up to Rage trying to comfort her a bit* -- Bronco II, 09:35:56 01/13/02 Sun
*he was slightly happier now that the herd had clamed down a bit and nickers at all the others. He watches as all the mares continue to do what was ment for them and sighs contently standing next to his alpha*
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*She whinnies* -- Rage, 09:55:38 01/13/02 Sun
*She whinnies to Bronco II, "I am sorry for causing all of this trouble." she says.*
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