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Date Posted: 19:10:22 03/19/03 Wed
Author: Perceptor II
Subject: I can hope.
In reply to: Goktimus Prime 's message, "The Art of War" on 07:52:50 03/19/03 Wed

--That Saddam Hussein comply with President Bush's demand to leave Iraq.

Ari Fleischer stated that even IF Saddam Hussein was to leave Iraq now, that the invasion would continue. In short, NOTHING is going to stop this invasion now.

No, it wouldn't stop the invasion, but with Saddam gone there a good likelihood of a lot less bloodshed in the invasion, and introduces an outside chance that invasion forces would be able to "just walk in".

--That the Iraqi military turn against the Iraqi dictator should he not comply, and that they would not oppose the invading forces.

--That if the Iraqi military does fight back, that the invading forces would quickly deal the deciding blows in such a way to bring about a quick resolution to this conflict.

That's not going to happen. Put yourself in the boots of an Iraqi soldier. You've joined the army to protect your nation. Your nation is attacked my foreign invaders. Okay, you may not like your leader and you may feel that the actions of your leader may have triggered this invasion -- but at the same time, your country is under attack! Would it not be your duty as a patriot to stand and defend your homeland, regardless of politics? What would an average American soldier do if foreign soldiers were to march towards Washington DC, in retaliation to some disagreeable actions committed by the President? I don't think most US soldiers would care if the President is right or wrong -- they will fight to defend their nation's capitol.

Icon has given reason why Iraqi forces might choose to defect. There has been communication between Iraqi officers and the American military indicating that they might indeed decide to lay down their weapons. In any case, it's something that will reduce the bloodshed, so it's something to hope for.

--That Iraqi civilians would be spared.

In any war, the people who will suffer the most will be civilians. Men will die in the fighting. Women and children who are not killed in the crossfire will be widowed and orphaned. Those who survive will try to flee the fighting. They will become refugees. Will the countries that have forced them to flee, willingly accept them, or incarcerate them as "illegal immigrants"?

There are reasons for hope that civilian casualties will be minimized. The American military has very precise weapon systems that will allow them to hit far more military targets than civilians. There's also the aforementioned Iraqi surrender possibility.

I am personally extremely disappointed that the United States and some of its Allies have openly defied the United Nations and begun this war. By doing so, the United States is operating outside of the overall International community and has made itself a rogue state.

1. Like Icon said, there will be a lot of complaints, but it's very hard to conceive that the world community will sever diplomatic relations with us after this.

2. Given that the U.K. and Australia are part of the coalition, along with 27 other countries (source: CNN.com), wouldn't that make those countries rogue as well?

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