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Date Posted: 08:11:29 10/16/06 Mon
Author: Haylie/Shay
Subject: inside
In reply to: Remy/Kyrian 's message, "Inside" on 07:42:03 10/16/06 Mon

She shook her head, her brow furrowed softly as she refused to look at him. "Don't apologize for making me angry, don't apologize at all actually because you know you are going to keep straining yourself and pushing yourself and what the hell is the point in apolagizing for something you know you are just going to do again?" She rolled her eyes, her jaw set before she sighed deeply and stood up. "I want candy. Do you want anything from the machines?" She was pretty damn agitated and really, a huge part of it was that she was pregnant - even though it seemed most of the time they didn't remember that - and hormonal mood swings were pretty rampant. Still, she felt she was fully justified in being angry this time. He was ruining his leg for no damn good reason and it pissed her off. If it was Kyrian harming himself like that Remy would flip a lid but because it was him, he felt the need to push through it. She stood in front of him, all five foot even of her, and placed one hand on his hip, her eyes nearly directly level with his when he was sitting down. The nurses apolagized and quickly but efficiently changed her clothes into a hospital gown so the doctor - a female that Kyr was familiar with - could come in and check her out. She smiled softly and Kyrian before asking him to explain what happened while she did a routine check, calling out to a nurse to run some blood work and things like that on Haylie to just eliminate any problems that could be causing the symptoms.

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