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Date Posted: 08:28:03 10/19/06 Thu
Author: Braden
Subject: inside
In reply to: Reese 's message, "Inside" on 08:10:38 10/19/06 Thu

"Nope, no hints, it's a suprise. I'll see you soon, darlin'." He stated softly before he hung up the phone and then climbed into his car. He needed to go pick up some clothes for himself and then get everything settled, all the details taken care of. The package contained a pair of 150 dollar jeans that she had been gazing at in the mall but hadn't asked for because they were so expensive, even though he could tell she desperately wanted them. It also contained a pretty blue thermal style turtleneck and a hoodie that proclaimed "U.S. MARINES" across the front and "HONARY JARHEAD" on the back. It was a hoodie that most military wives sported, it was always said that the loved ones of Marines had the hardest job in the world - putting up with their jarhead and keeping it together while their marine was out saving the world. There was also a pair of warm boots, the kind all the girls were wearing with skinny jeans, with fur along the edges. Those probably cost a cold two hundred and fifty too, another thing she had gazed at but not asked for. The clothes were warm and comfortable, perfect the night that he had planned.

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