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Date Posted: 08:40:03 10/19/06 Thu
Author: Reese
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Braden 's message, "inside" on 08:28:03 10/19/06 Thu

(She rolled her eyes as he denied her request for more information, but murmured back to him.) Fiine.. (She said, then laughed a little, hanging up after he did and reaching over to turn off the television, not at all interested in the bungled capers of Jacques Clouseau. She sat up, crossing her legs indian style and tucking the oversized cordless back onto it's vintage rotary style base. She laughed to herself, wondering why she let him get to her, because he stomach was in a knot and she was so excited she wanted to do a little dance around the coffee table. A guilty look around the room had her realizing that no one would know.. so she did that dance around the coffee table.. but the knock on the door disrupted her and she tripped over the rug trying to act like she'd not just been doing a touchdown dance.. cause.. no one could see her. She laughed at her own stupidity as she brushed her hair back and quickly went to get the door, taking the package from him, barely making the coffee table before dropping it and tearing it open. She gasped, running her hand over the jeans and moaning.. she had pined for these jeans.. and lord, they were her size.. She laid them in her lap and pulled out the turtleneck, layng it over her body and sighing at the feel of the soft material, her eyes shifting to the hoodie and a smile crossing her features. She traced the stiching on the front and lifted it out of the box, turning it and laughing a little as she hugged it to her chest.. she knew from Keegan that these sorts of sweaters were special.. and she was feeling pretty special at the moment. Her eyes widened as she took in the boots, and it was the most difficult thing she had ever done to not call him and tell him to take them back.. okay, not so difficult, cause she wanted to put them on and wear them. She giddily dragged her prizes into the bedroom and went to take a shower, wanting to be extra clean. When she came out, she slipped into a matching underwear set and spritzed her body with sandalwood spray, before spending a good half an hour drying her hair and singing to herself. When it was time to put her clothes on, it was almost like a Christmas morning ritual, everything got properly fawned over before the tags were removed and she pulled each garment on. She added a fat leather belt with a silver buckle before tugging the hoodie over her head and slipping on her boots, turning as she always did to look at her butt. Yeah.. these jeans were amazing. She spent a few moments pinning her hair up so that some tendrils hung duwn to curl at her jaw, then put on a little light eyeliner and lip gloss and checked her watch as she put it on.. 6:54... perfect. She pulled on her boots, which fit like a dream, and tucked her hobo-style purse under her arm before snatching her phone and keys and locking the place up before heading down to the lobby.)

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