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seacrets are best kept...
upon entering you find yourself in bright starlight and realize you are out side, looking upwards you see towering cliffs and a patch of sky high above, looking down you are on soft gren grass, wondering why it is so warm in this canyon you walk along a path to a clearing, your jaw drops as you findyourself in a clearing, on one side is a pond full of steaming water, tall trees surround the edge and their purple flowers drop upon your head, just as you take a step forward a head pops out of the bushes in front of you, a fox dibbun his bright golden eyes look at you for a second he speaks in a sqeaky voice"Hiya! im shaylam, this is da spwings, over dere is dah hotwater spwings, and over here*he motions to the beutiful clearing beyond* "is where dah beasties holw celibrations partys or gewt mawwied!, isa be going to pwy 'ide and seek now" 8with that he dissapears back into the bush, leaving you alonw in this place, untouched by the freezing weather outside
hey, this might be a link back? wanna try it?

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Subject: Join the Legend and Live the Magick...

Magick Winds
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Date Posted: 14:13:52 07/21/02 Sun

Come to a beautiful land in a far away place...the land of Kantainea, ruled by the great golden lion Krishna and the snow white unicorn Tatania. It is truly a place of magic, where Good and Evil fight a constant battle. Join the battle as a Good human or animal or an Evil animal, but be prepared for adventure of the best, or worst, kind...

Join as myth, horse, wolf or human.


Come with me,

Sail on, sail on,

To another land beneath another skyyyy...

Oh yes other hearts were broken,

Yeah other dreams ran dry,

But come with me,

Sail on, Sail on,

To another land beneath another sky...

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Subject: Lonely squirrel

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Date Posted: 05:31:23 04/21/02 Sun

**you see a tall, pretty squirrelmaid sitting next to the pond** I'm so lonely **she puts her head in her paws and starts to cry** Won't somebeast come and talk to me?

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Subject: *someone walks in draped in an emerald cloak studded with rubies and sapphires*

Iraga and Nightband
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Date Posted: 21:06:15 02/19/02 Tue

*she peers through her hood, curious about everything going on. Then, she pushes half of her hood back, revealing part of a wolf's face. She smiles gently, her silver eyes sparkling. Her clawed paw pushes her hood all the way and she goes to sit on a nearby rock. She wiggles her ears slightly, two brass hoops in her left ear jangling noisily. Her eartips are gold and her lips are a purple color. She peers up at the sky, a ridiculous smile on her face. Suddenly, her face is stern and her head snapped to stare in one direction. Her eyes are now squinted, her teeth baring slightly, then someone in a sapphire colored cloak enters. She relaxes and continues staring at the sky.

The beast in the sapphire cloak appears awfully tall. She stares around, two crimson orbs hidden in the shadow of her hood sparkling. She then pushes back the cloak hood to reveal...Nightband! Nightband smiles widely at everybeast, then goes over to sit by the wolf.*

Hello Iraga.

*they wolf nods absently, then tears her sight from the clouds.*

Mmm...'ello, Nightband.

*there is something slightly familiar about Iraga...her tail is now seen from beneath her cloak. It is colored crimson, dark blue, royal purple, and then white at the tip...the exact same colors as Nightband's tail!*

Sorry I haven't been around in a while. I was out traveling. I found Iraga while traveling further north...and I recognized the colors she bore; the tail, the ears, and the lips. Same as mine. Therefore, she was one of my old clan members a long time ago.

*Iraga smiled slightly, wiggling her ears again.*

'Ello there, e'erybeast. 'Tis a pleasure to be 'ere. Now, tell me, where is Scamps? I would like to meet 'er.

*She stood up from the rock, then climbed on top, searching for Scamps.*

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Subject: He he he he =)

Darkness StormChaser
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Date Posted: 16:55:30 02/22/02 Fri

Wow dude look at all the FISH!!!!!!!!! Pulls her guns out and fires at them he he he *blush* At least I think they are fish. (needs help and is insane)

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Subject: Oh, I wish...

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Date Posted: 12:27:26 02/18/02 Mon

**Snowstar, the young white vixen swam in the warm waters of the spring. Near by there was a wedding going on. She listened to it as she quietly splashed aroun in the warm waters. She had only just joined that morning and knew she wouldn't yet be known as a memeber. She sighed as she listened to the wedding.** I wish I could get married! **she said as she swam about in the springs.**

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Subject: OK!

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Date Posted: 07:08:44 01/01/02 Tue

Heres the wedding, now then, lets get to it! ** Hugs her hedgehog son gingerly.** Sorry Rumpus!** The wolfmaid stands and waits for her groom to get there.

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Subject: Free Sunglasses?

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Date Posted: 01:27:51 01/03/02 Thu

Hi! Grab one free?? Enjoy it ??

Have a nice day!

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Subject: Whens the weddin' gonna start?

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Date Posted: 08:11:42 12/24/01 Mon

Rumpus is waiting for his mother and the others to start the wedding in the springs.

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Subject: **Sigh**

Ferdy , tired of the fighting
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Date Posted: 22:14:57 12/12/01 Wed

Look, all Mystica did was say something true. So she said it all in caps, people have different ways of writing! Yes, I've seen all the others of Mystica's messages. This may be kind of annoying, but Mystica isn't being rude or flaming. I've gone through more than two years of flaming. This is not flaming. you made fun of her and she was kind of offended. She did not threat at all. YOU all are being the rude ones. WOULD YOU HATE ME IF I TALKED ALL IN CAPS??? IT'S NOT ALL THAT BAD. JUST DON'T KEEP THE INSULTS GOING!!!!! You all seem to think you have the rigt of way, but you guys are being more annoying than Mystica!!!!!!!!!!!!! **stomps off, tired of the complaining and fighting**

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Subject: hey come to my site from this den!! i have room for everyone here!!! Luk in>>>>

oarpaw guosim shrew
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Date Posted: 06:08:37 12/15/01 Sat


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Date Posted: 13:17:03 12/07/01 Fri


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Subject: *you walk into the clearing and gasp*

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Date Posted: 23:53:04 11/22/01 Thu

*in fron of you are rows of seats made from split logs, down the middle of the rows is a walkway that has been lined with flowers like Jasmine lillies and white roses, at the end of the walkway is a pagola that has been wreathed with alternate white and red roses and snowdrops, you hear a rustle behind you and see a small tent erected behind you, above it is a picture of a wolf, a head pokes out and you are surprised to see Scamps (well just her head really) her fur has been combed to a dull sheen and a tiara made from silver and tigereye jasper adorns her head she loks around and spots you* "hey there, uhh i need the bridesmaids (furrtil and Dusklight) and besides that can you find me a flowergirl and a person to be the preist, i know this is in the nick of time but the weddings going to start soon!"*with that she dissapears into the tent again*

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Subject: Aaaaaaaaah...!!!!! *Splash!*

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Date Posted: 23:03:50 11/19/01 Mon

Yoiks! It be hot in here!
Somebody get me a towel!
Quickly, now!

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Subject: *an ermine maiden walks in wrapped in a towel*

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Date Posted: 18:20:13 11/20/01 Tue

Hullo all. I haven't been to a hot spring in forever! :) *she slides into the spring and sets the drenched towel on a rock nearby* Mmmmmm....warm....refreshing....just what I need. Now, lets see...I think I'll sing a song. *she begins sing a short verse, in a rather sad tune*

Whenever you stea-eel
My punishment's rea-eel,

*she sinks into the water, her nose sinking under*

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Subject: Hmmmmmmm....

Ferdy, warden of DAB
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Date Posted: 17:12:13 11/21/01 Wed

Ah, so Kitsune and Scamps is gettin' married. How beautiful. **A tear forms in his eye** The weddin's gonna be beautiful. Until then... **lowers himself into the spings and relaxes**

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Subject: The Bat has arrived . . .

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Date Posted: 10:34:25 11/19/01 Mon

*She walks in, with the wolfcub in one wing.*

It is beautiful, Scamps. Oh, I have not yet congratulated you and Kitsune.

Best of wishes to you both.

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Subject: Congradulations!!!!

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Date Posted: 14:21:42 11/20/01 Tue

Congrats to Scamps and Kitsune!!! May your marriage be wonderful forever!!!!

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Subject: Ooh! let me guess...

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Date Posted: 13:58:21 11/20/01 Tue

This is a hot springs isn't it? It looks pretty nice...
*Dartpaw jumps into the pool*

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Subject: welcome to pure springs!

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Date Posted: 05:27:08 11/16/01 Fri

welcome to pure springs! this is the one place where yopu can either lounbge about in the springs after a hard day, or you can go to the clearing where we hold celebrations, party's of any type or you can propose to that special somewone of get married, it's all good!
and as rove would say: ......what the?

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Subject: *you hear a clanking sound from the clearing*

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Date Posted: 20:24:51 11/16/01 Fri

*you look over to see Scamps walking around a large flat rock smiling she nods and pulss somthing up from beyond it to rest atop the flat surface..it's the Jukebox..placeing it there she grins*"well i reckon we ought have music for the..urr yunno..weddd*cuts off to nervous to mention it*"well anyway, im still waiting for the guys to arrive for the pre-yuno preperations so, i might as well sing a little song...*grts up beside the jukebox and presses a button with a smile on her wolfish features*

"from this moment, life has been blessed
from this moment, i promise you this
i will love you...."
*continues to sing...and find the words for her hapiness*


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Subject: (Sigh...)

Jeihron Setherson
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Date Posted: 17:22:11 11/16/01 Fri

...This place reminds me alot of home. Large green trees, a nice clean pond.
*The gray fox spryfully runs ahead into the field of healthy green, forgetting about his current life for a while to return to the days of his youth.*
(Sigh...) I miss those days so much...
*Jeihron slows, sitting down against a shaded tree beside the pond.*

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remember the Pure springs is always open to everybeast for realaxation, and the clearing is for clelebrations, partys, special occasions and weddings, or even for a romantic place to propose..bye!
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