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Subject: Re: FTJ

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Date Posted: 19:46:30 03/04/06 Sat
In reply to: Mike Norrod 's message, "Re: FTJ" on 09:38:36 03/04/06 Sat

>>The biggest surprise to me is how so many people can
>>reach speculative conclusions on pedigrees and facts
>>regarding the Red Nose Family that was popular with
>>Hemphill and Wallace. Those dogs were heavy Lightner /
>>Colby. Tracing back to Harvey's Red Devil, Ferguson's
>>Centipede and Lightner's Vick. I have repeated this
>>combination of dogs over and over again. But I see it
>>makes no difference.
>>Today's Red Nose with its various strains are based on
>>other lines. Many are scattered bred and unrelated to
>>the dogs I mentioned.
>>Have it your way Mike. That's how you think and many
>>accept that. Anyway we all have to wait on something,
>>but I won't be waiting to see who is right or wrong.
>>That's not an issue with me.
>Your problem, you just posted John.
>You think only Hemphill and Wallace were the only ones
>who had OFRN. They weren't.
>You think only Lightner had the Old Family Reds from
>Ireland. He was only one who imported them, he wasn't!
>BTW, since when, has Colby ever been a line of OFRN?
>Talk about trying to change history, you are not
>implying Colby line of dogs as Irish line, are you?
>The old English descendant John P. would be rolling
>over in his grave!
>Colby never like red nose dogs or the Irish dogs.
>Joesph Colby, John P.'s son, who wrote the Colby book
>back in 1936, I do believe he said the only red nose
>dog ever bred into the Colby line was Galtie after 30
>years of family breeding. This was only done to add a
>little cross to the family. I could be wrong on who
>wrote it. It could have been Stratton but I know it
>has never been in dispute.
>"Those dogs were heavy Lightner /
>>Colby. Tracing back to Harvey's Red Devil, Ferguson's
>>Centipede and Lightner's Vick. I have repeated this
>>combination of dogs over and over again. But I see it
>>makes no difference."
>You conceded arrogant ass, do you really believe you
>can repeat this quality of dogs from your unproven
>misrepresented stock?
>Every post you make sounds like a sales hype trying to
>justify something you are peddling.
>Give it up John.
>Just do it....
>P.S. The bloodlines known as a Colby/Lightner cross
>were called: NEBLETT! OR HETRICK!

Like I said Mike. It is not a matter of who is right or wrong. I think its more of what people want to believe. Your insults indicate to me that my conversations with you will never get anywhere unless I buy a NORROD DOG. That will never happen. Nice dogs, but not what I am looking for in a bulldog.
Colby's Topsy was bred to Masterson's Jack, producing Lightner's Vick. What happened many years after that would be very obvious to any observer, the lines shifted through out crosses, creating a breeding away from cleaner Red Nose Family based on the imports, not just dogs from Ireland.
The dogs bred here in the states are the Red Nose Dogs I am referring to. They do not exist in the same form or genetic structure simple because they were not preserved over a period of time to keep the line ripe. Those "OFRN" do not exist today, no matter what color you make them. They have been thoroughly bred away....I have not seen a single pedigree with Bob Hemphill's signature on it nor Bob Wallace. How anyone could call their dog Hemphill So So is beyond me and a form of mockery.


PS: I do not have anything to sale through the internet or e bay.

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Re: FTJMike Norrod
11:34:33 03/05/06 Sun

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