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Date Posted: 19:41:41 04/24/04 Sat
Author: Blu
Subject: Re: Ray's last days
In reply to: Cindy 's message, "Re: Ray's last days" on 17:43:10 04/23/04 Fri

From the people I've talked to who knew him--as well as what you've seen posted here from his old friends, they have all said Ray was simply very popular with women, and being an extremely magnetic and attractive rock star to boot, was also very promiscuous. Men can contract AIDS from women; it's a fallacy that it's an indicator only of homosexuality or drug use in men.

I read the same comment on that chat board and can't comment on its validity because I don't know. I'd think tho that it would be a hard sell argument for prohibiting a record company from releasing an album--scads of people could make similar arguments against artists they feel have harmed them in some way to hold back their music--if it were actionable just imagine how bare the music store shelves would be...

I've never heard anything else about his daughter, but I did read something posted from someone who said she met him, and he commented about how much he missed her while he was on the road. In the Dag The Giblets video, there's a shot of Ray riding a dark-haired little girl around on the handlebars of a bike, and hugging her and smiling into the camera; later you can glimpse her standing around by him while they're preparing the shoot for the "Last Time" video. I don't know who she is...

I don't know if he had a girlfriend by the time he was very ill, but I'd guess by how well-liked he was that he had plenty of people by his side thru it in the end. I remember Glenn Hughes saying that before Ray died, Ray and his girlfriend would visit and stay with Glenn--but I don't know how long before Ray's death that was. Glenn could have meant generally, or he could have been speaking in a more specific measure of time.

Jake and the rest of Badlands have said they didn't know Ray was ill, because Ray kept it to himself. The bass player, Greg Chaisson, has said that while there were strained relations in the end--sort of Ray at odds with the rest of the band's attitude and direction--he'd have handled things differently had he known. Glenn Hughes was very close to Ray and said that when Glenn went into rehab, Ray and he cried together, but he didn't know that at that time Ray was dying himself. Those around Ray denied it was AIDS.

SRS is an album for Ray fans more than anything else. It's a lot of rehash from the Tribute, but Ray sings on a lot, but not all, of the songs. Al Romano says he was told to rerecord some of the tracks with a new vocalist, John West, after Ray died. I wish he'd left them intact with Ray.

As for Ray's lyrics, I did read something where he talked of getting his best inspiration in the shower, and that his lyrics were based on his life experiences, what he saw thru his own eyes. On one of the Badlands bootlegs of "Seasons" he tells the audience he lost his dad two weeks ago and wrote that song for him. So if you listen to the "Seasons" lyrics, you know that's about Papa Gillen...


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