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Subject: ^You've Got Me Good^

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Date Posted: 11:35:42 09/19/03 Fri
In reply to: Freb+Tumbler 's message, "/:\Suicide Solution/:\+If You Ain't Gonna Shoot it, Don't Point it+" on 10:52:26 09/19/03 Fri

^She slipped off the steps and straightend, hands tucked into the back pockets of her jeans as she started to pace. His words were true and she knew it^ 'They won't bother us if I let them know they aren't welcome...I can make them stop.' ^Well she was pretty sure she could^ 'They are just goofy...They enjoy life...like...like we did.' ^She trailed off for a time looking to the sky then back^ 'But Freb, something is wrong, not just the stress. You look more in pain daily and I can't help but blame myself. I'm putting you through this hell hole...and I don't want to. I want it to go away. I just want to go away and to be honest...' ^Her lip qwiverd^ 'If it made things easier on you...I'd just go away, not to Iason or Zaine, not to anyone...I'd just disappear. It can be done.' ^Shoulders were slumped as the proud woman stood before him, arms about about her chest as she hugged herself for what seemed moral support, god she loved this man what was she suppose to do to make him see this. For maybe just maybe if it was killing him, knowing she truly loved him and only him would make it stop, make them stop^

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\_/The Way You Are\_/Drag Time13:14:19 09/19/03 Fri

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