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Date Posted: 22:18:25 09/14/02 Sat
Author: Pred-Alien
Subject: Re: It starts, yet again.
In reply to: It starts, yet again. 's message, "Adrian Foxx" on 20:06:14 09/13/02 Fri

Silence. Darkness. The black cloak of night falls upon the kingdom of Guardia. Weeks ago, the incident, forgotten in time, was marked as passing. The victor, the true "hero", was that of a man, displaced in space-time. Adrian Foxx. The name burns like fire in the beast's mind, making it's four-clawed maw rear back in a 'snarl'. The hybrid creature looks about, sensing the pheromones of humankind nearby, watching the blue scent-clouds rise from a pair of average-sized men. Suitable for consumption, it's primitive synapses fire off in sequence. It crouches, stealthily moving through the foliage, watching the two humans bringing something in, something disgusting-looking. It lets out a feral hiss, causing the two to cease their movements.

"...Jon, what's that?" says one, looking off towards the noise.

"Dunno... Go check it out."

"You go check it out..."

"We'll go together, then. Sissy..."

The two men slowly approach, staring into the darkness. Nothing greets their sight. Just as they think it was a trick of their minds, the nine-foot tall beast lunges out, knocking both humans to the ground with it's massive claws. The creature hisses and deals a quick deathblow to each, then gorges itself upon the corpses of the once-living farmers. In it's mind, the 'song' of the Hunt replaces the need for the Hive, every so often repeating the name of it's target. Adrian Foxx it mentally hisses, it's thoughts guarded by the unearthly song of the Hunt. It looks up, staring into the sky, at the miles-off silhouette of Castle Guardia, outlined by the rising moon.

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