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Date Posted: 17:26:35 06/06/04 Sun
Author: Sati
Subject: .:I'll pick up the slack:.
In reply to: Riley/Firelight 's message, "Hm.." on 15:39:00 06/06/04 Sun

Roused from her peaceful nap by the braying of an insolent newcomer, the splotchy Gypsy shook her head and glared. When would these upstarts realize that by prancing in and demanding an audience, they were practically guarenteed a rough welcome? Urging heavy, feathered pistons into motion, the shaggy draft glided over to the preening bad boy. Arching an invisible brow, she fixed him with an indolent stare as she absently rubbed her shoulder against a tree. She could sense the immaturity and hot-headedness as he danced and posed. Only one so inexperienced would waste valuable energy on theatrics. Tilting her muzzle up, she issued her version of Firelight's welcome speech.

"Hey angel, you woke me up. Tell me what it is you want so I can ignore you and go back to sleep."

Sassy and sarcastic, that was Sati. The Friesian had nothing on her except youth, and that meager edge was dulled considerably by the Vanner's experience. Still rubbing her shoulder, she quirked an ear towards him, wondering if his speech would follow the same predictable lines as his actions.

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