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Subject: Oh boy.

K9 Kriegan
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Date Posted: 21:51:42 08/06/04 Fri
In reply to: Raven of Darkness 's message, "The Sweet Taste of Blood" on 20:55:30 08/05/04 Thu

He backed another step, giving the female some breathing room. Kriegan had experiences with Dobermanns before.. many of them were volatile. So, he stayed on his toes. What else could he do? His dark brown eyes blinked. An itch caused his right shoulder to twitch. She would probably think that it was a sign of nervousness. Perhaps it was.. more than just an itch.

"I'm a cop." They already knew that, though. The Dobe looked like an intelligent dog. She more than likely could have guessed that from the start. The dark sable shifted. "And it's my duty to, uh, my duty to, to patrol this area." The German Shepherd Dog was talking much too fast. And when he did that, he stuttered. Not a pathetic stutter, but one born of hurried explanation. "I was just passing, just passing by this part of the alley, when I saw these.. these two. There was a disturbance. They were -- um -- terrorizing.. two humans. Well, at least one of them, one of them at the time."

Kriegan knew he had every right to be here in this alley, but the sable definitely did not want himself to be a sitting target. The female seemed tractable enough.. for now.

"And who are you?"

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queen of the streetsRaven of the Dark00:09:38 08/07/04 Sat

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