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Subject: queen of the streets

Raven of the Dark
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Date Posted: 00:09:38 08/07/04 Sat
In reply to: K9 Kriegan 's message, "Oh boy." on 21:51:42 08/06/04 Fri

looking over the copper with interest the vixen sits down before him listening to his words though she kept the two thugs in the corner of her glimmering pool at all times. becoming amused as his hurried word she grinns in a dogy grin white fangs showing breifly. indeed, Kriegan It is nice to have you about my territory as it is hard to be every were at once and i can't seem to keep the fights down be my self. but are you sure you can handle this area?" studying his figure as he should be pysicaly capable in a fight but was he experianced enough now that was the question. Though she had been a show dog and pet before she was through and through a street dog now. lean muscle and quick wits tainting her every move. her sex not to be judged in a fight or the offender would surely lose as could fight just as well as any dog. pausing as he finishes she answers his question wondering how had put him incharge of watching over the darkside of town. names Raven leaving out the rest of her street names as she had many.

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super shepherd dogK9 Kriegan10:40:50 08/08/04 Sun

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