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Subject: .r e b u t t l e.

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Date Posted: 22:46:30 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to: Shardul 's message, ".:|:.C.h.a.l.l.e.n.g.e.s.:|:." on 22:20:27 07/25/03 Fri

((ACK! I had to powerplay for just the littlest bit, just to make the conversation interesting--he wasnt asserting his dominance or anything, just proving a point in his sick way lol....please dont let her take it TOO personally, or you...I didnt mean to offend you by the powerplay if I did))

"Here me."

He smiles sardonically, stepping up affiably--what a joyous situation.

"We all have a purpose because it is the nature of life. When life knows it must cease living, it will rebel. It will always rebel. It cannot help itself--it is its purpose, its instinct. You will be afraid to die--the fear is greater than you, it will posses you. I can talk of the instinct of immortality. We will all have a fear which cannot be supressed. For instance, if I took your throat, thus..."

He clapsed his jaws around her neck lightly, his muffled voice audible into her ear.

"and begin to press the life out of you, thus and thus in continuance, your instinct of immortality will go glimmering, and your instict of life, which is longing for life, will flutter up, and your instict will kick in. You are longing for life, eh? I see the fear of death in your eyes. You flail the air with your paws. You exert puny strength in a struggle to live. You bite back upon my ear with puny strength; as if a butterfly has landed there. Your whole body is screaming "to live! to LIVE!" You doubt your immortality, eh? Ha! You are unsure of it! Death is not so welcoming with these instincts now, is it? Is life as pointless to you now as you so blatantly stated before? Ah, your eyes are becoming set--my voice is becoming distant, and still you struggle in my grip. To live, to live...."

And suddenly his jaws released, leaving her form recluse, but alive, not injured for any wear.

"No more physical demonstrations, I promise."

He smirks lightly. It was all a game to him--life was a sick game. His voice was a primal melancholy; but his words were blunt and true. Life is only valuable to the pessemistic--as the female before him-- until it begins to slide from your grasp.

"Did you see the diamonds before your eyes? Were you fearful of that life--which you have sworn to me means nothing--actually slipping from your powerful grasp? Life is only what we make it to be."

He leaned forth to escort her to her feet.

"I have been where you just were, and have tasted the immortality. Embrace that feeling--some get a kick out of it."

For a lanky body, it was now aware how exceedingly powerful the underlying muscles on the male were. They were writhing as steel, solid to the touch. He was built for long distances, from some thick decent his wiry build contained such a deadly power. And thats the way he liked it--catch em' off guard.

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.:|:.S.t.r.u.g.g.l.e.:|:.Shardul23:03:34 07/25/03 Fri

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