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Date Posted: 15:18:01 05/31/01 Thu
Author: Nonaame
Author Host/IP: cc178229-c.hillcrest1.al.home.com /
Subject: Ok, guess it's finally time for my 2 cp

Ok guys, I guess it's finally time for my say. Yes, the meeting last night turned into a bit of a clusterfuck but it was not anyone in particular's fault. Morkai and I have talked in length about what being a guild leader means to us both. Morkai is a leader in the traditional sense of the word. He attends raids, leads his troop into battle, has an EXTENSIVE knowledge of the game, and yes, I'll be the first to admit, he can be a hard ass at times. But...I have a lot of respect for that. Sometimes, being a hard ass and not taking shit is the only way to run a successful raid. Otherwise, you'll have people running around like a chicken with their head cut off. getting the chanters killed and breaking mez, you'll have bad pulls, so on and so forth. Morkai knows his shit, and he is always able to keep things running smoothly and safely. I have alot of respect for the Morkai and the way he runs things as I've raided with TV 3 or 4 times now. Things always go smoothly and efficiently.
I, however, am a guild leader in a quite unconventional set of the word. I don't lead raids. I have no idea where drops are for a particular zone. As far as maps, I can't read them for shit, so no, I'm not going to be leading the way into battle, although I will pull mobs from the room that the navigator tells me to ;-p. But I do care about each and every ,member of this guild. I lead quitely. You guys all know that I'll always be here 100% for each and every one of you. Through thick and thin, bad pulls and broken mezzes, I will always be there for each and everyone of you, whether it be to help with a level, help with a camp, or kill a tough son of a bitch that made you lose your level. But, I'm never going to be out in front leading the way. Because I'd rather be in the middle with all of you. That's just the way I enjoy leading. Always have and I always will. Morkai and I have talked about this at length, and our good buddy Valadeer has spoken to him as well about how I lead. The only reason that I got upset at Morkai last night was because he said we didn't have a leader who pour's his life blood into the guild. Upon reflection, I should have realized that he was only trying to phrase what me and Valadeer have been pounding into his head for the past few weeks. I am not a leader in the traditional sense of the word. That's alkl he was trying to express, and yes, he and I have different views on leadership. But truth be told guys, I hate being a leader...I'd rather be a member, just like all of you. And, I guess I am. Because even though I have the title, I don't have the heart to believe that I lead; although I will always have the heart to care. Morkai, once again, I'm sorry to you and the other members of TV for the sudden breakdown the other night, but it was simply a misunderstanding bred through a horrible lack of communication. I'll talk to my guild tonight and hopefully sort things out. Peace out.


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