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Date Posted: 19:03:49 08/13/03 Wed
Author: ?
Subject: Well...it finally happened.

I just got busted shoplifting at the self check out lane at Schnucks. I knew it would happen eventually.

And it was the funniest damn thing that happened to me all week.

Pimple Faced Checkout Attendent Dork : Ummm...Sir You didnt scan that sandwich!!!

Me: Oh? I didnt? (faked confused look on my face)

I then proceded to look at the bar code on the sandwich, turning it over and over, scratching my head, and acted like I was trying to figure out what buttons to push in my "confused" state. I then scanned it and gave a satisfied "oh" and put it in the bag.

Then when I was finished I grabbed my bag at started walking out. As I walked by him, the attendent dork leaned towards me and said "Next time, make sure you scan all your items!!!"


The irony, is that by trade, I AM a CompTia certified computer technician. In fact thats the actually job title on my tax returns. (Computer Technician, not Fucking Computer Technician)

Lessons learned - The self checkout lane is very sensitive to any changes in weight in the bag. If you neglect to scan an item, but then place it in the bag, it will fuck it up. If you take an item out of the bag, again altering the weight of the items, it will fuck it up. Its not very complicated, but you actually do have to pay attention to weight changes of the item in the bag, or the fucking device will bust you and call the punk assed attendent over. Coming soon, I hope to experiment with scaning a pack of gum and placing a bottle of Jack Daniels in the bag. However, if they are not already in the process of learning, I suspect these things will soon start keeping a database of the average weight of different items.

Self checkout lanes are the greatest thing since...well...FREE FOOD!

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