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Sat March 29, 2025Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12 ]

Paddy Wadda Doodle My Beloved Boy


Hello and Welcome to the All About Boxers Hot Topic Message Board! This is the place for all those who care about the Boxer breed to join together, share information, training tips, Rescue Information, laugh and cry, and mostly just share our love for that wonderful breed of dogs...Boxers! Rules for Posting: No Boxer stud ads, breeder ads or recommendations (do this by private email). Posts of this nature will be removed: no exceptions. WE PROMOTE RESCUE. We do ask that each participant be kind, no use of profanity, and remember this is a place to enjoy...communicate...and love those Boxers!!! Feel free to attack the tough issues, just not each other! We want to address controversial issues on this board. Communication brings about informed ownership, and a better relationship with our Boxers. So sound off! This board is also open to questions, funny stories, sad stories, and most things Boxer.

~All About Boxers invites the users of this message board to enter a profile. This information allows new users to get to know the members of the board, the names of their Boxers, birthdays, hobbies, and area of boxer related expertise. Many of the fields are optional, so you don’t have to include your personal email, your real first name, or where you live unless you want to! Just realize that by including an email (anonymous ones such as at yahoo or hotmail are good) a “newbie” to the board can ask someone a specific question that they may hesitate to ask on the message board. We are hoping that by sharing these little bits of information about ourselves and our Boxers, we can build a warm and caring place to discuss all things “Boxer.” Thank you. Webmaster~All About Boxers.

God Bless America In memory of September 11, 2001 Spay Neuter

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