- PETS ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS ... (251) 265 - 5211 -- BLECK ((251) 265 - 5211), 19:06:30 06/27/16 Mon (NoHost/
Owning a pet is dream of every kid. Your kid will get a memorable experience as he/she spends some quality time with the pets. Your kid will learn to become responsible and dependable when they are entrusted with the duty of taking care of their pets. When your kid possess good pets for kids you are giving them the chance to get exposed to diverse field like entertainment, companionship and education. Initially what starts as an entertainment will later become a responsibility as you can see them taking care of their pets with responsibility. Pets need regular attention, care and affection and this will be returned back to your kids in the form of selfless love and affection.
Below are listed varities of PETS we have :
1 Hermit Crab
2 Chinchilla
3 Box Turtles
4 Betta Fish
5 Hamster
6 Guinea Pig
7 Ants
8 An Older Dog or Cat
9 Rat
10 Small Lizard
For more details kindly contact us via email on : blecklaren@gmail.com / (251) 265 - 5211
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5 German shepherd puppies -- cameron (German shepherd puppies), 19:51:01 12/30/14 Tue (NoHost/
Happy to announce our beautiful litter of 5 German shepherd puppies. All are of 6th generation pedigree and mum and dad kc registered. We have 4 Pups which are reared in family home with children.
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WHOOPS -- Marlene, 14:06:50 03/01/14 Sat (NoHost/
Didn't mean to do that!
Shades of the old days on Chat A Boxer when Diane and Meri were teaching some of us pathetic but determined folks how to post links and pics.
Maybe I really should go do my housework
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- Let's see if I remember how to do this ... -- Kris (Auntie Mom), 13:43:26 03/01/14 Sat (108-223-233-33.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net/

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- Yoo Hoo....over here! :-) -- Marlene, 12:58:00 03/01/14 Sat (NoHost/
What is taking you so long!! We have to get this place in shape for a party. Maybe we should post lots of pictures to get the place "decorated" and shove the SPAM out of the way??

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- Well trained Mlatese puppies for Xmas -- alicecolly, 04:08:13 12/12/12 Wed (NoHost/
Well trained Maltese puppies for Xmas. Contact for more details and photos if interested.
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- Help finding a vet -- Alan (worried), 09:48:38 02/11/11 Fri (adsl-99-85-39-45.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net/
I am looking for a vet in the cleveland area that "specializes" in boxers. I haven't had much luck with the (3) we have taken our dog to. She has a rash on her chin and chest, and several other conditions. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you!
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (132) -- hardstone, 16:07:01 12/30/09 Wed (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening.
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (132) -- hardstone, 08:07:41 12/26/09 Sat (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening.
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (133) -- Taimoor, 04:41:43 12/24/09 Thu (WimaxUser3721-134.wateen.net/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening.
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdes479) -- shabbir, 07:52:23 11/02/09 Mon (tw139-static9.tw1.com/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (iam_just_18@hotmail.com) -- khurrum rajput, 13:43:54 10/16/09 Fri (NoHost/
Message Description:
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdes-474 -- Mohammad Shakil, 01:53:08 08/22/09 Sat (static.rwp44.pie.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails(gdei-239) -- imran, 13:33:20 08/21/09 Fri (tw132-static179.tw1.com/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdei-239) -- imran ali, 10:43:29 08/21/09 Fri (tw132-static179.tw1.com/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (GDES-467) -- Khan Shehbaz Ahmed Khan, 09:48:33 08/21/09 Fri (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdes479) -- shabbir, 08:47:43 08/21/09 Fri (tw139-static9.tw1.com/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdea-415) -- abbas, 08:11:21 08/21/09 Fri (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdei-471) -- atif alvi, 08:48:59 08/18/09 Tue (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdes479) -- shabbir, 08:06:44 08/18/09 Tue (tw139-static9.tw1.com/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://www.free-beauty-tips.com/
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdea-415) -- abbas, 07:55:10 08/18/09 Tue (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening.
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (gdea277) -- Abdullah, 11:48:15 07/17/09 Fri (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening.
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- *!* Everyone Like Diamonds *!* -- Furrukh Hussain, 02:31:28 06/02/09 Tue (NoHost/
Diamond is four times harder than the next hardest natural mineral. We specially designed this blog about diamond.
Everyone like diamond. Must visit to know interesting facts, history, types, colours, designs. Site will update on weekly basis. Never forget to visit. Dont miss the chance to know better knowledge about diamond. Send your best comments about site and suggestions to update the site. I must say that you like this site and refer to your friends also to visit.
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (13764) -- M.Shoaib Asif, 09:58:18 05/05/09 Tue (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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BOXER IN LABOR -- DAWN (WORRIED), 12:10:18 12/10/08 Wed (pool-96-226-189-207.dllstx.fios.verizon.net/
my boxer is in labor and will she break water like humans do and if so how much?
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (KDEF-398) -- Fahad, 14:03:34 12/04/08 Thu (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (KDEB-397) -- Basit hafeez dar, 13:48:22 12/04/08 Thu (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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- Hands beauty care your nails (ODO2200) -- Syed Shah Raza, 09:01:46 12/04/08 Thu (static-host119-30-125-67.link.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (KDEK-392) -- Khairdin, 08:46:12 12/04/08 Thu (58-27-158-137.wateen.net/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (odo2210) -- mehmood, 06:37:41 12/04/08 Thu (pxy.khi.dancom.net.pk/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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- Hands beauty care your nails.(ODO2197) -- Javed Ishtiaque, 02:18:49 12/04/08 Thu (NoHost/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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- NEED TO SELL?? -- APA Posting aaperfectangel@yahoo.com, 12:44:07 08/13/08 Wed (NoHost/

I can build you and advertising banners using your information and photo images.
Banners are reasonably priced. Code furnished.
Need a website?
Modeling Cards?
Web Promotion?
Family Calendars
Photo Collages??
Digital Name tag??
Graphic Work??
Fast Friendly Service........Questions???
Banners By: APA Designs
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- Re: To all my friends -- Debora (Hey!! Where is the BOXER forum), 23:53:32 08/09/08 Sat (CPE0019215591ba-CM00159a3b5304.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/
Hey, where is the boxer forum?????? Has it moved???
Please let me know
Thank you
Deb Hughes
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- Hands beauty care your nails. (OD5006) -- BEENISH SHAKIL, 17:11:26 06/23/08 Mon (tw118-static44.tw1.com/
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
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- Re: To all my friends -- Jacke, 05:58:15 12/24/07 Mon (
Good luck on the sale of your house Margaret, and may your coming year be filled with wonderful blessings.
Jacke, Molly, and Doodle Too
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- Merry Christmas -- BJ, 12:48:29 12/23/07 Sun (dialup-
May you all be blessed with happiness, health and slurps.
Margaret a new house sounds like the perfect way to start the new year. Best wishes on it.
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We got "elfed" -- Follow the link to Jacke, Molly, Spoody, and Puddin', 20:46:20 12/14/07 Fri (
Then elf your clan and post up the link under reply : )
It's the weekend, play a little.
: )
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- Meri? You around anywhere? -- Kris, 10:47:02 12/05/07 Wed (adsl-68-252-245-127.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net/
First let me say happy holidays to everyone. Things are always hectic around here, especially this time of year. Seems like all I'm doing is making gift baskets, babysitting, and driving kids to this practice or that. Today we're getting the basement ready for ten freshman girls to watch a Pirate's marathon this weekend on the big screen in the basement (Matt went a little nuts - it's about 7X5 and we have a projector mounted, but the kids love it). Ed is doing great. He's almost totally gray now at 8 1/2, but still acts like a pup. Still miss Greta a lot and ended up hanging her stocking this year because it just looked wrong without it there. Hope everyone here is doing well. I don't stop in much anymore, but I do think about you all often.
Now ... Meri. *Someone* has been messing around with the computers again. He's done a great job, but I don't have your email addy on my personal computer and we wiped the hard drive on our old main computer. Anyway, he's messing around with setting up Linux on one of the older computers and was wondering if I knew anyone who had links to truly spectacular information. Of course I thought of you. If you have the time and know of any I'd appreciate it. Hope everyone on your end is doing okay - Gin, you, mom, etc.
Happy Holidays everyone!
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- Butler's check-up..... -- Cheryl, 12:15:53 12/04/07 Tue (NoHost/
....was done at the vet's here in GA. I requested the one who is owned by boxers, and fell in love with her. I had met her briefly when Butler and I toured the facility before he went to daycare the first time. Her name is Dr. Cameron. Other than her saying that she'd like him to drop 4lbs, he's in perfect condition. She said that he's one of the sweetest boxers she's ever met and that they just love having him come for daycare. She absoluely does NOT use ACE, and is careful in administering any type of anesthesia to boxers. Butler is almost 5 1/2 years old, but you would never know it.
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Mack and Lulu had a birthday (Dec 2) -- Mack and Lulu's Mom, 13:51:20 12/03/07 Mon (1Cust4962.an3.sac8.da.uu.net/
Yesterday was my boyfriend's 9th birthday. Since Lulu first came to us as a foster in Dec - she shares Mack's day. We think she is 4-ish.
They had a regular day, walks in the morning sunshine and after dinner with their new coats on. Chicken liver omelettes for dinner and an evening spent on heated beds and/or a lap.

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- "No fool like an old fool" -- Old fool Marlene, 19:20:59 11/29/07 Thu (1Cust7360.an2.sac8.da.uu.net/
Today I went to a 'special' pet food store to find the kibble that Lulu seems to have done well on. I found it in Oregon, this summer, but couldn't find it locally.
After contacting the website of the manufacter, checking out the local stores... I've been looking for a "venison/sweet potato formula food" for Lulu that I found in Oregon. It seemed to REALLY calm down her foot chewing issue.
I finally found it locally! Go figure!
After a conversation with the manager (telling me they had it in stock) - Hallelujah! - I made a trip quickly to get it! All I can say is "YAY"!
Ummmmm, while I was there I ran into a couple with a 10 week old Pug, Sparky. Can I just say I was a bit "friendly" with the little smoosh fawn face. I ended up giving them my NCBR.org rescue card with name and phone number. They seemed interested in a place for Sparky to spend the Christmas holiday............
I'm telling you..........."puppy hormones for smoosh faces" can be outta control!
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- Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.... -- Cheryl, 11:31:10 11/21/07 Wed (133.sub-70-220-239.myvzw.com/
....tomorrow will be extremely busy, and full of people, so I wanted to wish you all a safe and happy day.
I am so thankful that many years ago I found you guys. You all have been a help to me at different times, and in different ways. God bless each and everyone of you during this holiday season and into the coming year.....
Big hugs,
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I thought you might want to take a gander..... -- Tim, Potter & Radar, 17:24:20 11/13/07 Tue (c-67-161-188-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net/

at a fairly recent pic of my three kids (a year ago) Cleo is now gone, but still part of the family as she will always be. I do have the sense that Potter is definitely missing his 'mom'...as that is what the relationship seemed to be between them. Radar probably has mixed feelings as he is now top dog .. next to me that is ... and tho she kept him in check just by one of her 'glares', she never once ever snapped or even growled at him that I can remember. He even seemed to enjoy when when she decided to groom him, licking his face, ears and head and laying on top of both of them in her usual way.
I'm not sure what to do with all the 'squeekers' in their toy box which only she seemed to claim as her own, nor the dirty old nylon rope she enticed them into a game of tug of war.
These are the kinds of things that tears at ones heart when they are gone, not to mention that eye to eye contact you can have with only one of your own. Those eyes, those looks of adoration we always carry with us. As I read somewhere recently ... "May I be the person my dog thinks I am".
I will miss you my sweet bold girl with the funny ears. Your dad is gonnahave a large empty hole in his heart for a good while. Thanks for coming into my life when you did and for sharing 7 wonderful years. Daddy's Sweet Girl ... as I've always said.
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The Queen is on her way............ -- For Tim, 12:27:43 11/12/07 Mon (1Cust732.an2.sac8.da.uu.net/
Tim's Cleo has started on her way.........she tried very, very hard but was so tired......she needed help and Tim helped as his last act of care, kindness and love.
I hope she takes the long way because the Rainbow Bridge is going to need time to prepare for her......she ran a tight ship and the Bridge is probably in need of a Queen Mother.
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- The thing is ...if you throw them out in the garbage -- Jacke, 18:03:34 11/08/07 Thu (
With our without dog poo added, they end up in the public landfills, in the ground....ground water, eventually winds up somewhere in the water supply...yes??? No???
I'm for the barbeque idea, might be an intersting party especially if the boxers start licking the "sauce".
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- NBR - but Butler would probably disagree.... -- Cheryl, 23:35:41 11/07/07 Wed (57.sub-75-203-66.myvzw.com/
.....the 50th anniversary party was last Saturday night. We had nearly 150 people there. I worked for three days getting the building decorated and the last minute details pulled together. First, my party planner developed a bulging disk, then the photographer had an emergency and was called out of town (he did have a friend fill in for the same price he and I had agreed on), and lastly the caterer didn't show up when he was supposed to. He got stopped for speeding on the way to set things up, which delayed our getting started somewhat. All was well, though, in the end.
My oldest daughter, Kristi, gave my parents a video of the 50 years they've been together. She and I worked endless nights going through thousand of pictures, literally. We finally decided on 200 which ended up being an almost 20 minute video. It was bittersweet - and was a total surprise to my parents.
Everything was beautiful; my parents were like two kids at Christmas. My mother did mention something about their 75th Anniversary (which is not out of the question because they married at the ages of 15/20). I told her if we're all still around then, she's on her own with that one. In 25 years, I won't have any energy left to plan another party. I would be nearly 73 myself. LOL
And to make this about Butler - he is glad there are no more parties to plan. I was in/out, in/out so much that I don't think he knew when I was home and when I wasn't. Poor baby, I bet he hasn't thought about Thanksgiving and Christmas being just around the corner.
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This bothered me -- Marlene, 22:32:58 11/06/07 Tue (1Cust7527.an3.sac8.da.uu.net/
Anyone else see this recently? It was in our morning newspaper and I found a lot of links on the internet.........
It had to do with disposing of leftover/unused presciption meds.....a couple of the methods were to crush them, dissolve them and mix them with kitty litter or dog poop.
Since I happen to have a garbage hound that will eat anything nasty, stinky, poopy or even 'good for him' - it caught my attention.
I doubt my boyfriend will be roaming around a dump anytime soon....but it just worries me that wild animals (feral dogs even) would be scrounging for yummies and eat kittie "tootsie rolls" or fragrant dog poo mixed with toxic (to them) medications.
I must not have enough going on in my life to take a second look at that newspaper article - but I did.
< href="http://www.nwcn.com/health/stories/NW_110507HEB_leftover_med_SW.1df3941f6.html /">AAB
I'll put the article in a reply
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- Update on my girl -- Tim, Potter, Radar & Miss Cleo, 00:07:22 11/05/07 Mon (c-67-161-188-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net/
I wanted to let you know that after talking with the team at the University of California, and finding that Cleo would most likely quality for the new treatment trial .... very successful so far ... I had pretty much planned on taking her down on Nov 14 to have the procedure done (basically infusing the tumor directly with the drug so as not to let it go thru the rest of her system.
Unfortunately I don't think she will make that date. About 2am this morning she woke the boys and I up with a gran mal seizure ;(. I had never witnessed one ...I felt so helpless and Potter and Radar just looked on not knowing what was going on with their sister. After talking with the neurologist this morning...I took her to the emergency Vet clinic where they sent us home with the phenybaritol (?). Tonight about 7pm she had her second. Tho less violent, the after effects lasted longer.
I've finally been able to get her lie down . She's sleeping quietly now. I just can't let this go on with my girl. When she wags that stump or acts excited about her food........I think I'll wait.........but then I see the confused, sad look in her eyes after one of these episodes and can't see it going on..for either of us. A little more of her goes with each seizure ;(. Now that Monday is coming up...I'll take her to the vet and have a long talk with him. I'll try and remember to come back and post what we've decided. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers....
hugs to you and your boxser kids..
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captcha verification -- Marlene, 16:56:22 10/30/07 Tue (1Cust3754.an3.sac8.da.uu.net/
Is anyone else getting the screen to copy "captcha verification" sqiggley letters before you can post a reply?
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- I swear - Butler is going to be the death of me yet..... -- Cheryl, 15:34:07 10/29/07 Mon (170.sub-70-223-233.myvzw.com/
....you guys know how paranoid I am about MCT's, right? Right. Well, we just removed an epidermal cyst(infected hair folicle) a few weeks ago. I've been watching another one, and it finally took care of itself. Then I notice this red "bump" with an ozzy center on his chest. MCT, I think. Scott keeps telling me it's a fire ant bite, we have hills of them everywhere, and they won't go away. And, it's allergy season so Butler is licking his feet raw, and having sinus drainage which is making him sick. Scott left for GA last night, and Butler woke up this norning with the "bump" looking worse to me, and he got sick after breakfast, I think. At least he appeared to have been sick when he came back inside. So......I pleaded with the vet to work him in before lunch; mind you it's more than a 30 minute drive. We did the needle aspirate; whole nine yards. It's a fire ant bite. Thank God!!
Now, I can go back to nursing the migraine I've had since 4am Friday morning in which I had to get a shot for Saturday night to knock me out, I can study for my exam Thursday, finish my research paper that has to be turned in Thursday, and put the final touches on my parent's 50th wedding anniversary party in which my mom has invited more than 200 people. Oh, and I've got to get my Avon order submitted by noon on Tuesday. Makes you wonder why I ended up with a migraine, doesn't it? LOL
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Da Queen of Everything -- Tim, Potter, Radar & Miss Cleo, 20:36:52 10/25/07 Thu (c-67-161-188-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net/
Hi everyone. I know it's been a long time since I've been here, but life has held a lot for me these past couple of years. I won't moan about it all, but I did want you to know that yesterday I did find out that my girl's recent bumping into things is the result of a brain tumor. There are all kinds of fancy names for it I guess, but in the end I know it will take her away from me and the boys soon.
As most of you know, from the beginning of her life with us, she has had a loving home, lots of attention, luv, fun, companionship and the best healthcare I could give her. Boxer heaven , actually. She has always been in charge...human and her brothers a like, and I don't know what we'll do without her. Actually, I know I'll make it...as I always have when I've lost one of my kids...but it will be hard as it is for all of us when this time draws near.
I have many wonderful pics of my girl...some of the best I shared here with you. Her silly wig, her crown...always a show off in her reverse brindle robe.
Right now I'm just terribly sad about it all..and am not up to going into detail...but basically I'm not sure I want to put her through all the standard treatments available or a new one I was told about ..just so she can stay a bit longer with me..
When the time is here, I'll do best by my Queen and send her off peacefully where I'm sure she'll hold court and bully the rest of our kids.
I'll try and get back and I can.
Holding many warm memories of you and your babies...
Thanks to all I've heard from and to my Marleenee for helping me get out the word to you.
Luvs ya,
Uncle Tim, Potter, Radar and Cleo
ps. the boys are doing great....potter just showing a tinge of gray ..but still the cutie pahtootie....Radar, well..he pretty grey for his 7 1/2 years. You'd think that would make him smarter......NOPE....luv my boys.
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- This is nice. -- Cheryl, 16:04:37 10/09/07 Tue (94.sub-75-200-213.myvzw.com/
I received this today from Petplace.com. Hope you enjoy it.
A Dogs Soul
by Author Unknown
Every dog must have a soul
Somewhere deep inside
Where all his hurts and grievances
Are buried with his pride.
Where he decides the good and bad,
The wrong way from the right,
And where his judgement carefully
Is hidden from our sight.
A dog must have a secret place
Where every thought abides,
A sort of close acquaintance that
He trusts in and confides.
And when accused unjustly for
Himself, He cannot speak,
Rebuked, He finds within his soul
The comfort he must seek.
He'll love, tho'he is unloved,
And he'll serve tho'badly used,
And one kind word will wipe away
The times when he's abused.
Altho' his heart may break in two
His love will still be whole,
Because God gave to every dog
An understanding Soul!
Let us know if you like it!
Until next time...
Dr. Jon
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- Update -- Margaret, 19:11:44 10/05/07 Fri (webcacheb03a.cache.pol.co.uk/
It is nearly a year since Bill passed away and I still miss him, life just isn't the same now but life still goes on. I am up and down quite a bit but getting there slowly.
A friend has been trying to talk me into doing dog training and behaviour work for several years now so I am going to take the plunge and do it. I have my first dog tomorrow morning, it is a rescue Staffordshire Bull Terrier and is bitting his new owners when they are stroking him.
I am also helping out at at a rescue, taking the phone calls for people wanting to adopt a dog.
Joe is 11.5 now and is slowing down, his orange ears and eyes are now nearly white. He gets a bit grumpy with the youngsters at times, especially when they run into him.:)
Merlin is now a very trusting boy, gone is the terrified dog that came here and he is boss dog.
My little Gracie has arthritis in all 4 legs, both her crutial ligaments have gone and now has trouble with her spine. She is on metacam for her arthritis and as she is small she can get away with her ligaments not being operated on. She must be about 15 and is too old to go through 2 operations. She had an MRI scan last Wednesday which showed up a problem in her spine but again, no operation. She goes to hyrotherapy to build her muscles up and hopefully that will help her. Quality of life is more important than length of life and as she is free of pain and still enjoying her life, I will keep her like this and when the day comes and she is in pain, then she will go to the Bridge with love.
My little hooligan Bonnie is a hooligan no longer, she has really settled down and is a lovely little girl. She is very obedient and very easy to teach.
Tilly, the pup who came for Christmas last year had grown into a lovely dog, but she did forget to stop growing at one time:) Being part Greyhound means she wasn't as active as Bonnie thank goodness.
My new little girl Ellie, a rescue Staffordshire Bull Terrier came as a foster dog but the wrong people were coming for her so I adopted her instead. She is the perfect dog, is good with people and other dogs and I don't know I have her.
I am also helping with lost dogs. This may seem very strange but since last January I have been able to communicate with dogs and have managed to give information to get some of them home. I was told when I done Reiki 2 that this may happen and not to be surprised if it did. I am now also a Reiki Master and Reiki is quite a big part of my life.
I hope everyone is fit and well and all your partners and fur babies are fine as well.
Hugs, from across the pond.
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- My beautiful boy relaxing in GA....... -- Cheryl, 18:13:58 10/05/07 Fri (139.sub-75-200-16.myvzw.com/
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- Butler update - back in Athens........GOOD NEWS!!!!! -- Cheryl, 10:46:32 09/24/07 Mon (NoHost/
We got into Athens Sunday night around 10:30. Apprently Butler had some remembrance of being here because as Scott was checking us in, he sat quietly in the back of the Jeep. Two guys walked by and I didn't hear a peep; thought he had gone back to sleep. I turned around to check and he was watching out the window. Good boy.
This morning at 7:30 (after Scott had left for work), we woke up to what sounded like someone dropping a 12 ton ball from the sky into the parking lot. The garbage collector's were emptying the dumpsters. Butler raised up and looked around and I said, "Sshhhhh, it's OK". No growl, no bark - he just went right back to sleep.
After breakfast I took him across the street to potty and he stopped to say hello to the security guard and a maintenance man (who did get a kiss before I realized it). There were kids walking to school, and I'd have him sit/stay until they passed. No bark, no growl, nothing. Very good boy.
I truly believe that when we were here before he was just caught off guard by the new experience/sounds, etc. He seems happy and is not stressing at all. I took him to daycare just after breakfast so I can study for my exam on Thursday. I'm anxious to pick him up and walk through town tonight.
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- Puddin' completed her first 25 mile ride (actually 30) -- Jacke, 20:16:41 09/23/07 Sun (
It was a tough RUGGED!!! course along the Ohio River, hills, hills, more hills, rock, gravel, and more rock, very little water available on trail, above 90 degrees dry and dusty. We finished the first loop of fifteen miles but had problems with our equipment. My water bottle holders came unzipped and I had no water, I usually drink a bottle and give Puddin' one on the dry stretches, then we lost a boot. Another rider gave me her easy boot from her saddle pack, it came off four times. Then we had a bad trip and nearly crashed as the front boot came off. I usually run her barefoot but had opted to boot because of the bad terrain. The boots just were so awkward for her. We placed eleventh out of twelve, but in Endurance, to finish is to win. Not many people can go out do 25 miles at speed, let alone the 50 and 100 mile endurance rides that the really athletic horses complete. Arabian horses are INCREDIBLE. My mare was the next to the oldest horse on the course, riding with a halter, no shoes over some of the most grueling terrain I've ever encountered. She's a winner in my book. Not sure, may be her last race. I have to get started with Phebes, time is a wasting! The sooner I get her broke to trail, the sooner she can compete. I'm not sure if I'll do endurance limited distance with her or competitive trail.
Happy to see folks on the board, felt really good to hear from you all.
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- OMG....I wouldn't, I couldn't, I won't -- but man oh man was he cute! Marlene, 17:30:18 09/21/07 Fri (NoHost/
Just came back from the grocery store where I met Mini-Mack (or Mini Bunker).
I have seen Puggles in **&^$$^&*(#@** petstores but never been up close and personal with one.
'Zander was his name (short for Alexander) and he had an inky black mask, heavy black ears just like Mack as a pup and a long elegant tail just like Bunker had.
He was 6 months old - about 20 lbs and looked like a miniature Boxer - sorta.
I'm telling you.....if he had been in a box of "puppies, free to a good home" in front of the grocery store......I might have come home with him.
My puppy hormones are still vibrating...........

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- Did you guys miss me?!? -- Kristen (Cyrus and Missy), 22:33:39 09/20/07 Thu (216-161-123-217.desm.qwest.net/
Well it's been three years can you believe that? We finally got a new computer. I see alot of familiar names, of course Jacke and Lisa, Marlene and Gary. Please update me on all of your babies. I think that the last time I was online Lisa's Mac had just passed away. I'm sure I have missed alot. I will fill you in a little about us these past three years.......
Cyrus and Missy are now six. Missy hasn't had anymore problems with her knee, although she does get stiff sometimes. Cyrus is on thyroid medication, other then that, they have been very healthy! Ava (that's what I named my little girl) just turned three on the 17th and Kara was 12 on the 15th!!! Can't wait to hear from you guys again! Missed you and so glad to be back :-)
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- A dog and his "new" boy......*vbg*....... -- Cheryl, 00:01:33 09/19/07 Wed (69.sub-70-223-56.myvzw.com/
Not sure if the pics will show or you'll have to copy/paste - so I'm putting them in the next post.
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NBR: But I'm totally excited....and want to share -- Jacke, 12:10:21 09/16/07 Sun (
Today Puddin' hit the 500+ training miles mark. We went out for a short fast training ride this morning. The woods was alive with the smell of Fall, leaves crunching under hoof. This eighteen year "old" (don't tell her) horse, lean and trim, wanting to gallop down the trail, my helmet catching the wind. No shoes on her feet, no bit in her mouth, galloping up hills that would give mere mortals a heart attack (really).
We have one more week until we do our 25 mile limited distance ride at Corydon, O'Bannon Woods Cave Country Canter. Have spent this weekend trying to get my gear organized, deciding on what equipment to take, and trying to decide on my ride strategy as this one is double the mileage of last time. So far the plan is to ride conservatively the first half, and let her set a pace to her comfort level on the second half. I'm not riding novice this time, so my chances of placement aren't too good. Riding against experienced open riders. So the goal is to finish the ride within the time allowed, with a healthy sound horse. I will have five hours of total ride time to cover the cross country course, pulse down to 60 (her's not mine) and then pass a veterinary check to complete successfully.
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- What do you guys think? -- Cheryl, 16:58:17 09/13/07 Thu (NoHost/
As most of you know, Butler has always been THE MOST gentle boxer I've ever know. Until this week. He and I have been visiting Scott in GA, staying in a motel. He has never been in a motel before, and has been a little unsettled since we got here; especially after we were awakened at 3:00 am to yelling in the courtyard.
From that point on, when we would go for a walk, etc., he would growl, snarl, and sometimes even lunge toward passersby. Although I think he thinks he's protecting us, I know this is unacceptable behavior. He has NEVER demonstated this type of behavior before. Naturally, when this started, he would be reprimanded, but Scott and I have both been scratching our heads as to what to do. So.......we decided each time a stranger approached, we would say "No bark", and put Butler in a sit, stay position, and have him remain there until we released him. He was doing better, but still showed some negative reactions. This morning, I decided to take matters into my own hands, so to speak. This is what I did....
I took Butler to the courtyard bright and early when people were coming and going in all directions. The University of GA is just up the street, so there are people everywhere. The area where I took him is enclosed, so I knew that people could see Butler, he could see them, but there was no danger in anyone being hurt. Each time I saw someone approaching, I would put him in a sit, stay position even before he would show any negative reaction. Without saying, he was on leash. We practiced this for about an hour, and he seemed much calmer. Anytime I saw him starting to get antsy, I would draw his attention back to me, and by the time we had left, there was no loud growling, growling under his breath, barking, nothing. He would just observe the passersby. I'm hoping he just needed some de-sensitizing.
I know that he has been quite bored staying in the motel room with me, so I've taken him twice for 1/2 day of daycare to a great veterinary facility I found about 9 miles from here. This is afterall, bulldog country, and several of the vets at the clinic have boxers of their own. We toured the facility and he acted as if he'd been there all his life. His world, for the time being, has been turned upside down. This is no excuse for aggressive behavior, so I need advice as to whether you think I handled things right with the correction.
Any, and all suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks....
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Stopping in to share a slice of my world -- Jacke, 12:48:18 09/09/07 Sun (
Miss Molly Brown is slowing down...she spends most of her time sleeping, and has a definite "gimp" in her gait. All of her energy (what there is) is spent following me from room to room, or door to door, and snuggling close for bedtime.
Spoody too has taken on the behavior of a more mature boxer. He is graying around his muzzle and wondering what in God's Green Earth possessed us to become cat owners....I have to wonder that myself as Spood would like nothing better than to eat both of 'em.
Catfeil and Socks were dumped here a month apart. Both are kittens. Catfeil is about fourteen weeks old and I found him thin, weak, and crying in my iris beds about eight weeks ago. Socks was dumped here about two weeks ago, bloated with worm, sneezing, and so weak he could hardly walk. Both are curled up together asleep on the back porch. Playing musical cats and dogs is interesting to say the least. I hope Spoody doesn't hurt either of them, but at least their little bellies are full today, and they are a purring lump of fur for the moment. Have had no luck rehoming and Doug has since grown attached to the yellow cat.
I saddled Phebes up this spring and started her under saddle. The rest of the summer has been spent conditioning Puddin' who has carried me over 800 miles since I started logging her mileage last season. We will enter our second competition the third weekend of this month Sept 22-24th. I will be hauling her to Corydon to compete our first 25 mile Limited Distance. Will be riding along side a woman who has won two National Championships. She volunteered to mentor us for our first 25 mile to ensure that Puddin' is not pushed harder than need be. We can do 20 miles in three hours now, so I expect she will finish fine. We don't expect to get a ribbon this time, just want a good completion. Then Puddin' will be retired from her distance work and I will have to concentrate on getting Phebes trained and conditioned. I'm setting my sights high for her. Hope to join the American Endurance Riding Conference, our local distance riding club, and Arabian Horse Association. I'd like to take her to a National Championship by age 7....if you are going to dream, may as well dream BIG!
Pretty much sold out my commercial iris garden. No longer have time for it. I will continue to dabble with my own hybrids, sell those, and just have a bed of plants to use for pollen / crossing. My garden produced 3 outstanding crosses last year which I have not registered yet. Want to wait and see how they winter over and if they have a good increase. If so, I'll register those next year, and introduce them for sale in 2009.
Doug's Mom passed away in the spring. That has been a difficult transition for him. He spent the past fourteen years taking care of her needs. Only the last few months were spent in nursing home care. I admire Doug for what he did. It is one thing to care for someone over a short period of time, but to care for them daily for that many years takes a good heart and dedication.
Doug is currently working for a company that makes those fancy halographic images on CD and DVD covers. I'm working in a medical office in community mental health.
Hoping that all is well in your world...it finally rained here today after almost 90 days of drought. If your grass is green, count yourself blessed!
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Update on Angie -- Marlene, 00:33:12 09/07/07 Fri (NoHost/
Ten months ago I came to all of you to ask for help with large vet bills for NoCalBoxer Rescue.
You were all wonderful and shared your concern as well as donations.
Angie, especially touched a lot of hearts and folks asked a lot of questions about her.
Wonderful News! Angie (now known as Fanny Mae because it took a bank's worth of money to heal her) HAS BEEN ADOPTED!
Yay! Doing the happy dance. She's been adopted by a wonderful retired lady and Angie/Fanny will be her 6th Boxer.
You can read about her on page 2 of the AAB archives.
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- This makes my heart a little sad.... -- Cheryl, 12:14:27 09/06/07 Thu (62.sub-75-202-92.myvzw.com/
I remember when I first came here, looking for answers when Scarlett was so sick. There was so much activity and so much togetherness. I know we all have our own lives, and things change. But I come here several times a day, looking for crumbs of life......and rarely find any. It appears there has not been a new post in 2 or more weeks.
So, here goes.....Butler went in yesterday to have an epidermal cyst removed. He has a 2" square shaved area on the back of his neck. Everything is fine; it was just filled with gunk. He's had several before, but this one was bigger, so I wanted it GONE.
I'm hoping that things are OK with you guys. I miss you.
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Mooch -- BJ, 21:24:40 08/22/07 Wed (dialup-
Can we please have a collective "Awwwwwwwwww, Poor Moochie Baby" The 85 pound wuss is being terrorized by a 4.7 pound descented baby skunk. It steals his food and toys and pushes him off his soft bed. Poor Poor boy.
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How to photograph a puppy -- BJ, 13:28:37 08/14/07 Tue (dialup-
1. Remove film from box and load camera
2 Remove film box from puppy's mouth and throw in trash.
3. Remove puppy from trash and brush coffee grounds from muzzle.
4. Choose a suitable background for photo.
5. Mount camera on tripod and focus.
6. Find puppy and take dirty sock from mouth.
7. Place puppy in prefocused spot and return to camera
8. Forget about sock and crawl after puppy on knees
9. Focus with one hand and fend off puppy with other hand
10 Get tissue and remove nose print from lens
11 Take the flash cube from puppy's mouth and throw in trash
12. Put cat outside and put peroxide on the scratch on puppy's nose
13 Put magazines back on coffee table.
14. Try to get puppy's attention by squeaking toy over your head
15. Rescue your glasses and check camera for damage.
16. Jump up in time to grab puppy by scruff of neck and say "No, outside! No, outside!"
17. Clean up mess
18. Fix a drink
19 Sit back in Lazy booy with drink and resolve to teach puppy "sit" and "stay" first thing in the morning.
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belly bands? -- L;isa, 12:12:12 08/08/07 Wed (adsl-074-167-176-107.sip.ard.bellsouth.net/
This weekend we are doing an adopathon with a lot of boxers that we have not been able to place for over 6 months. I am bringing down a nice boxer boy who is not house trained and he is a big time marker. this guy marks EVERYTHING. he will lift his leg on you, on your purse, on everything and anything. last time I had him at petsmart he pissed right on a gorgeouss 100.00 dog bed within the pet store so this time I am going to put a belly band or diapers on him. do you think this will work. will the belly band help him? he is not in a great situation as his foster home keeps him at her shop as he is really cat aggressive and she has like 6 so he does not come home with her. so he is not trained yet, and we think that is why he has not been adopted yet. he is so cute. you can see him here. wwww.blueridgeboxerrescue.com and his name is GABRIAL. We need to get him into a foster home but of coarse we have no one to take him so we have to keep him at the shop. he is the worst leg lifter I have ever seen and he has no mercy for your legs, feet and purse.....
wish me luck this weekend as I am responsible for him and picking him up to bring him to petsmart.
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"put your dog food to the test" -- me again Blabbermouth (aka Marlene), 18:16:50 08/07/07 Tue (NoHost/
I received this today and found it interesting. I especially loved that the 'scoring' has been done on so many foods already. I could just see myself with a bag of kibble trying to score all the ingredients (or lack thereof) on one of those tiny print ingredirent labels.
Off to get my hair cut and pick up some more "Merrick Wilderness" (which looks suspiciously like a dehydrated version of the kind of food I make for them).
Forwarding this interesting "put your dog food to the test" info:
With all the problems associated with the massive pet food recall, it
may be the time to stop and rate your choice of a diet for your best
friend. I always ask people , "Would you eat your dog's food?"
I usually get disgusting remarks!! Then I ask them why they are feeding
it to their "Best Friend". Take the time to rate your choice of food. .
.you may be surprised, pleasantly or not.
How to grade your dog's food:
Start with a grade of 100:
1) For every listing of "by-product"
, subtract 10 points
2) For every non-specific animal source ("meat" or "poultry", meat,
or fat) reference, subtract 10 points
3) If the food contains BHA, BHT, or ethox yquin, subtract 10 points
4) For every grain "mill run" or non-specific grain source, subtract 5
5) If the same grain ingredient is used 2 or more times in the first
five ingredients (i.e. "ground brown rice", "brewerâs rice", "rice
flour" are all the same grain), subtract 5 points
6) If the protein sources are not meat meal and there are less than 2
meats in the top 3 ingredients, subtract 3 points
7) If it contains any artificial colorants, subtract 3 points
8 ) If it contains ground corn or whole grain corn, subtract 3 points
9) If corn is listed in the top 5 ingredients, subtract 2 more points
10) If the food contains any animal fat other than fish oil, subtract 2
11) If lamb is the only animal protein source (unless your dog is
allergic to other protein sources), subtract 2 points
12) If it contains soy or soybeans, subtract 2 points
13) If it contains wheat (unless you know that your dog isnât allergic
to wheat), subtract 2 points
14) If it contains beef (unless you know that your dog isnât allergic
beef), subtract 1 point
15) If it contains salt, subtract 1 point
Extra Credit:
1) If any of the meat sources are organic, add 5 points
2) If the food is endorsed by any major breed group or nutritionist,
5 points
3) If the food is baked not extruded, add 5 points
4) If the food contains probiotics, add 3 points
5) If the food contains fruit, add 3 points
6) If t! he food contains vegetables (NOT corn or other grains), add 3
7) If the animal sources are hormone-free and antibiotic-free, add 2
8 ) If the food contains barley, add 2 points
9) If the food contains flax seed oil (not just the seeds), add 2
10) If the food contains oats or oatmeal, add 1 point
11) If the food contains sunflower oil, add 1 point
12) For every different specific animal protein source (other than the
first one; count "chicken" and "chicken meal" as only one protein
source, but "chicken" and "" as 2 different sources), add 1 point
13) If it contains glucosamine and chondroitin, add 1 point
14) If the vegetables have been tested for pesticides and are
pesticide-free, add 1 point
94-100+ = A 86-93 = B 78-85 = C 70-77 = D <70 = F
Dog Food scores:
Alpo Prime Cuts / Score 81 C
Artemis Large/Medium Breed Puppy / Score 114 A+
Authority Harvest Baked / Score 116 A+
Authority Harvest Baked Less Active / Score 93 B
Beowulf Back to Basics / Score 101 A+
Bil-Jac Select / Score 68 F
Blackwood 3000 Lamb and Rice / Score 83 C
Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice / Score 106 A+
Burns Chicken and Brown Rice / Score 107 A+
Canidae / Score 112 A+
Chicken Soup Senior / Score 115 A+
Diamond Maintenance / Score 64 F
Diamond Lamb Meal & Rice / Score 92 B
Diamond Large Breed 60+ Formula / Score 99 A
Diamond Performance / Score 85 C
Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra Premium / Score 122 A+
Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Venison and Brown Rice / Score 106 A+
Dick Van Patten's Duck and Potato / Score 106 A+
EaglePack Holistic / Score 102 A+
Eukanuba Adult / Score 81 C
Eukanuba Puppy / Score 79 C
Flint River Senior / Score 101 A+
Foundations / Score 106 A+
Hund-n-Flocken Adult Dog (lamb) by Solid Gold / Score 93 B
Iams Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Premium / Score 73 D
Innova Dog / Score 114 A+
Innova Evo / Score 114 A+
Innova Large Breed Puppy / Score 122 A+
Kirkland Signature Chicken, Rice, and Vegetables / Score 110 A+
Member's Mark Chicken and Rice / Score 84 C
Merrick Wilderness Blend / Score 127 A+
Nature's Recipe / Score 100 A
Nature's Recipe Healthy Skin Venison and Rice / Score 116 A+
Nature's Variety Raw Instinct / Score 122 A+
Nutra Nuggets Super Premium Lamb Meal and Rice / Score 81 C
Nutrience Junior Medium Breed Puppy / Score 101 A+
Nutrisource Lamb and Rice / Score 87 B
Nutro Max Adult / Score 93 B
Nutro Natural Choice Lamb and Rice / Score 98 A
Nutro Natural Choice Large Breed Puppy / Score 87 B
Nutro Natural Choice Puppy Wheat Free / Score 86 B
Nutro Natural Choice Senior / Score 95 A
Nutro Ultra Adult / Score 104 A+
Pet Gold Adult with Lamb & Rice / Score 23 F
Premium Edge Chicken, Rice and Vegetables Adult Dry / Score 109 A+
Pro Nature Puppy / Score 80 C
Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach / Score 94 A
Purina Benful / Score 17 F
Purina Dog / Score 62 F
Purina Come-n-Get It / Score 16 F
Purina One Large Breed Puppy / Score 62 F
Royal Canin Boxer / Score 103 A+
Royal Canin Bulldog / Score 100 A+
Royal Canin Natural Blend Adult / Score 106 A+
Science Diet Advanced Protein Senior 7+ / Score 63 F
Science Diet for Large Breed Puppies / Score 69 F
Sensible Choice Chicken and Rice / Score 97 A
Solid Gold / Score 99 A
Summit / Score 99 A
Timberwolf Organics Wild & Natural Dry / Score 120 A+
Wellness Super5 Mix Chicken / Score 110 A+
Wolfking Adult Dog (bison) by Solid Gold / Score 97 A
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Using a Flexi - it's a "too" -- Marlene, 13:22:50 08/07/07 Tue (NoHost/
I thought this was a great article on when and when not to use a Flexi. Also *how* to use them. Like the author, I'm of the mind "you can have my Flexi when you can pry it out of my dead, cold hand". Common sense is required though.....and I don't use them in vet situations or when walking in crowds or close situations.
Wish I had that 'WAV file' that went around showing the granny pulled off her feet by the Great Dane - anyone have it saved?
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- Re: U.S. issues new botulism warning for green beans -- Lisa, 10:48:50 08/05/07 Sun (adsl-074-167-176-107.sip.ard.bellsouth.net/
I only by delmonte and " green giant" thank god!
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Totally NBR, but I gotta tell ya! -- Jacke, 19:06:08 07/29/07 Sun (
Me and Puddin' entered our first LD CTR ride this weekend at Andrews Indiana. We placed second in the novice division of thirteen horses of various age and breed, carry rides of all weight category. This is an eighteen year old "washed up" broodmare that I put under saddle and conditioned and trained myself. We were beaten only because I made an error at the very end. A young girl on a young horse got first place fairly as I erred in my strategy in the last ten minutes of the fifteen mile ride. I clocked in right behind her. Puddin' scored 96 1/2 points out of a possible hundred, and had a pulse recovery of 46 bpm after a 15 mile cross country run.
The horse is fine....I feel like I've been through boot camp! This old horse of mine is AWESOME.
You can see the ride picture on my blog at:
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- Some good news in the Michael Vick case..... -- Cheryl, 00:29:14 07/29/07 Sun (221.sub-75-200-187.myvzw.com/
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- Duke went to the bridge this morning........ -- Gary, 20:33:10 07/28/07 Sat (adsl-68-94-217-115.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net/
You may remember Duke, the large white boxer we pulled from the humane society here about three years ago. He was emaciated, had sores, his coat was burnt from lying on hot concrete here in Texas, etc, etc. We had him for a month... and that kid turned my heart to putty. His footprints went very deep, and have remained well covered. Aim was able to take him after losing her Rambo, then her Theo to heart issues. She loved that guy. Brought him back to life. His health, coat, and issues cleared up. She loved him... he loved her right back a hundred fold. He learned to play with his new sister Chloe... and they were a pair.
This morning, after he ate breakfast, he wouldn't take his meds (heart issue Aim found about about a few months ago when he aws having some MCT'removed. Hi sgums began to go pale... he just slumped and stopped breathing. Aim tried to resuscitate him, breathing for him... got him to the cariac vet.... He left her in tears (hysterical actually) Pat spoke with both daughters..... and everyone is a mess.
If he had not become my grand-dog, he would have stayed here with us, somehow. I'm glad that he had the last three years of his previously horrible life in a home filled with love and caring. It hurts really bad and I gotta go. Hug your kids.
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- I was in Food Lion earlier..... -- Cheryl, 22:45:44 07/24/07 Tue (120.sub-70-220-194.myvzw.com/
....and saw the notices on the shelves. Then I got a message from the FDA. I wonder where this is going to stop. This is unreal.
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- Sent mine via email...... -- Cheryl, 15:39:38 07/24/07 Tue (120.sub-70-220-194.myvzw.com/
......please let me know when the actual available date is. You don't want to know how many cookbooks I have in MY collection, either. LOL
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- Funny furkid and skin kid story....... -- Cheryl, 09:40:18 07/19/07 Thu (235.sub-75-201-3.myvzw.com/
......Not sure if some/all of you know or not, but Butler had clicker training when he was a puppy. I still keep clickers on hand just in case I really need them. They get his attention quickly.
I have always had Titus give Butler commands from the day Titus could jabber. Well, Titus was here and wanted to take Butler outside to play - with me tagging along, of course. So out we go, and Titus picks up the clicker. I have always taught Titus that the clicker is not a toy and he is not to use it unless absolutely necessary, so he puts it in his pocket, and says, "OK, MeMe". They play awhile and somehow Butler gets his feet muddy. I leave Titus and Butler on the front porch while I go get wet towels.
Guess what.....I start to hear this clicking sound. It's really clicking, louder and louder, and it doesn't stop. So, I go to the door with towels in hand all ready to scold Titus. I ask, "Titus Cobb, why are you clicking that clicker? You know I told you to keep it in your pocket and not use it. Butler won't pay it any attention if you click it when he's not doing anything". So sweetly, and innocently I might add, Titus looks up at me, and says, "MeMe, I wasn't clicking it for Butt Butt, I was clicking it so YOU would come". OMG, I thought I was going to die trying not to laugh.
Has anyone ever explained to a child that clickers only work for dogs? LOL
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- Animal Clinic gets Cat Scanner -- BJ, 09:10:31 07/15/07 Sun (dialup-
Front page of paper. We now have a CAT-scanner for pets that is much more effective for diagnosis, It can find tumors that are missed by X-rays. It can find hard to diagnose brain and sinus tumors, infections, bowel obstructions etc. It replaces exploratory surgery and is better than ultrasound. They are planning on getting an MRI unit soon. Kind of pricey but could save owner a lot in multiple vet visits that don't solve problem
I think it is great.
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- I need some advice. -- Lisa, 08:42:40 07/15/07 Sun (adsl-074-167-176-107.sip.ard.bellsouth.net/
Last night Bean was on the bed with me and she was in my spot and I went to slide her over. I was gently pushing on her back and hip area to move her over. She REALLY snarled and growled aggressively at me. This is SO out of character for her. she has never shown any dominance EVER with us or with a person for that matter. she did this to me like 5 times as I kept moving and her telling her NO. I was just in shock and wasn't sure if she was doing this at Tony as he immediately jumped off the bed and frightened and she was staring at him, so I thought maybe she was growling towards him. so I moved Tony out of the room and slid bean again. well again she did this horrible snarl growl at me. I called Rob into the room to see it and he was also shocked. we immediately told her to get off the bed and we made her lay on her own bed. I am thinking maybe she has a problem with her hips or back and is injured, however she shows no signs of limping, or acting like she is hurt.. I am going to take her to the vet as soon as I have some money, I need to wait about 2 weeks...
I am just wondering if when a dog is in pain if they can actually growl at there owner like this. it is so unlike her and she is VERY submissive and respectful in the house with me. I can take her bones from her, I roll her on her back a lot for tummy kisses and I am always sliding her around the bed, she has NEVER acted anything but submissive with me. she has perfect manners in the house.
I have told you all that she can be a nightmare on leash and has aggression issues with other dogs on lead but I have been able to manage this by making her sit and giving her treats for good behavior, but she can be really dominant out on leash so she has it in her I suppose.
my thinking is she has become dominant over me and I need to work on this right away, or she has some injury that is causing her pain. Even if she had pain, wouldn't it be more normal for her to yelp in pain and get off the bed. she wouldn't budge and just kept growling at me every time I went to move her. this has me really freaked out as its so not my Bean... what do you guys think? Please I need some advice on this right away!!!!
Thanks, Lisa
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- I miss Ophelia so much -- BJ, 11:16:47 07/12/07 Thu (dialup-
Fonzie is a lot of fun and a great snuggler and cute as a button. We are bonding but he is only 7 weeks old.
Mooch has absolutely no loyalty. He will go with anyone anywhere and not look back. He doesn't bark except when he wants attention.
Miss O was "my"dog. She loved me and protected me and was just my girl. I miss her so much. Run Free and know how much you were loved sweetie
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Bullies........soaked in bleach -- Marlene, 10:24:38 07/12/07 Thu (NoHost/
I saw this on another list this morning and thought it worth posting.....
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- Re: Well, LOL!!! (not at Mack) -- BJ, 10:23:43 07/10/07 Tue (dialup-
Ophelia leaked in her sleep. I would try to slip a newspaper under her butt while she was sleeping. But would be a good idea to get X-ray. Needed lots of papers but I just loved that girl so much. Is there any blood in his urine?
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- Meri....as always, you give so much to consider -- Marlene, 23:54:07 07/09/07 Mon (NoHost/
I *know* you spend time in shelters......with abandoned puppies as well as dogs that would be put down without your 'one on one' training......
I come at it from a rescue scenario ( nothing new to you).....seeing SO many perfectly good dogs in shelter and wanting to stop the 'freight train' of 'throw-away-dogs' (not to mention all the other household pets that breed indiscriminately...kitties, hampsters, rats, bunnies that are fodder for the needle and gas......)
I will consider all your input and links.....
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Please respect my boyfriend - he would be mortified -- Mack's Mom, 18:16:19 07/09/07 Mon (NoHost/
Incontinence seems to be our nemesis...........
Our family dogs have been long-lived but with each one we seem to have to deal with this.
Mack had his first night-time accidents post cruciate ligament surgery at 2......I put it down to pain. It has continued off and on, we've had several urine samples tested - always clean. He's been thoroughly probed and 'fiddled with' under anesthesia for other things and never found the cause.
It seems to be getting worse and I'm looking for input on the latest and greatest method/supplement/medication to handle it.
He is 8 1/2 and aging much faster than our previous Boxer, Katie, did.
Are the vets still using phenylproponolamine? Not that it helped Katie or Daisy.
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- Such a sad story........ -- Marlene, 22:47:46 07/07/07 Sat (NoHost/
Last night, after dinner Vern took Mack for his usual evening walk. While walking through one of the neighborhoods......a large dog charged Mack. I wasn't there but Vern said he came at a full charge, all of a sudden went down on one front leg and immediately flipped onto his back screaming in pain.
Vern secured Mack so he could help the owner, they maneuvered the dog onto a rug so they could get him in the car. I'm sure the dog was 'out of his mind with pain' and bit the owner.
Tonight, while walking the same way, the gentleman saw Vern and Mack and came out to tell him what happened. His dog had broken his neck and was quickly put down on arrival at the vet. Ole guy was 13......
First you're mad because of getting charged by an off-leash dog then you're horrified how badly he's injured himself.
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Calif. pet-sterilization bill !!! Pls sign. -- Lisa, 18:02:36 07/05/07 Thu (adsl-074-167-176-107.sip.ard.bellsouth.net/
this is an awesome things guys, Please take the time to read this law and go ahead and vote " yes" if you feel that spaying and neutering will help the over pet population.
Hopefully if it passes other states will follow.
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- Positive in put needed re: surgery on Scarlett's knee -- Lynne, 20:11:15 07/04/07 Wed (cpe-071-076-149-044.triad.res.rr.com/
Scarlett is limping and holding her right leg sometimes after she has decided to run like a rabbit. If she has not stressed it by running, she doesn't limp maybe 80% of the time. I will continue in my post.
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Da Fonz has arrived -- BJ, 23:52:02 07/02/07 Mon (dialup-
We have a new baby. Black and white with quite an attitude.
6 weeks old and snuggles. Sitting on my shoulder. Stomps his feet when annoyed and weighs about one pound. Think Flower in the movie Bambi. He is descented and cute as a button. He is perfectly willing to stand up to Mooch. Raises his tail and stands on his front feet. Likes canned carrots and blueberry. Gets puppy chow for meals.
I have wanted a skunk for about 50 years and finally have one.
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