[[what did I do before Google?]]
Eating your soul, of course. Tarot held her tongue. It wasn't that strong, thankfully. She'd have torn the thing apart immediately if she thought it could. Or tried to subdue it. At the very least, she never would have picked it up.
I cannot tell you, exactly. Tarot closed her eyes fumbling through her mental lexicon. I don't suppose you have any white clover? Of course they wouldn't. That was a fairy thing. She rubbed at her temples, the color slowly draining from her face with each thought exchanged between the two. The details weren't there- she didn't want to know- but she could feel it. Sickeningly positive. Sickeningly happy.
Damned lucky couple, to have each other. But it wasn't helping her divination skills. She let the pendant fall back to the table, examining Zeth's hand with her eyes. Oh dear. Oh dearie dear. That wasn't good. Physical manifestations of powers- and he would be less sensitive due to his non-fae blood.
Eucalyptus will help that. Basil's a second best. Ginger, for your wife to keep the thing out of her skull.
Good for protection but not detection. Damn. She sighed and reached down her shift, fumbling for something. Normally I don't need this- because of my eyes, you see. Tarot found what she had been searching for and pulled it form her shirt, holding it in the palm of her hand so the couple could see what it was. Emerald eyes are a blessing. But when they fail, an emerald crystal's even better. You keep it close to your heart to prevent undue contamination.
Okay, so technically it needed to be a pure heart. But... she wasn't that bad. Hadn't killed anyone, or done any lasting damage. Just... raised hell. Heh. She hung the stone in the air, by its delicate silver chain. If the item was evil, the crystal would fly back to the sanctuary of the owner's heart. The speed determined the threat level, as did the discoloration of the stone. The blacker the gem, the worse...er the evil.
Brillian? Beautiful name. She moved the stone until it dangled over the pendant. The chain went taught and then, just as quickly, snapped.
Ow. Ow. Ow. Tarot whimpered, her hand flying down her shirt. Never seen it- She hissed, pulling the crystal back into the open. -Move that fast.
The stone was a deep, jet black, with the barest hints of green showing through. The chain had broken where the stone had worked loose, and the gem's pointed tip was stained with blood where it had broken Tarot's skin. Owwwwwwwwwwwww.
If this is from your baby boy, he's the only one who can spill. Tarot groaned, her head pounding. I-I need to sit down.
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