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Subject: $ Tis a Lovely Position $

Alicia Baslazari
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Date Posted: 14:41:21 05/12/10 Wed
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:.You're confused with the "cowgirl" position.:." on 21:53:14 04/30/10 Fri

Sitting at the restaurant Alicia was growing impatient - the wine had already been ordered - though sat untouched as of the moment. They'd been unable to spend as much time together. Zeth's - work - having kept them apart. He'd promised her the chance to go with him the next time he left town - but as of the moment had spent all his time at the office in the nearby town and coming home late. She'd sadly grown use to the fact and begun turning in at eleven or midnight - listening to him move around, shower, then climb into bed by 1am or possibly two. It was not - fine - but it at least meant he came home every night, something that hadn't happened before their extreme breakup and reconciling. Though now he was late for their dinner date and she was growing concerned. Taking out the phone she punched in the number 1, he was first on her speed dial, and let the phone ring.

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I go to roping practice for the cowboys... not the horses...11:58:16 05/14/10 Fri

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