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Date Posted: 04:28:07 04/23/02 Tue
Author: Argus
Subject: I'll fix you up... if I live
In reply to: Ravin and Tia 's message, "Lions and panthers, oh my!" on 13:24:31 04/22/02 Mon

Argus noticed that his mace seemed to glow in the dim light of the cavern they'd found themseves in after going through the wall. He wondered if it was magical or blessed or what... and if so what it did (other than the obvious bad guy bashing).

The party had made its way across the underground lake (which seemed pretty odd to him, but maybe such things were common on this world) and into the hill on the island. Argus was in the rear so he couldn't see the ruby on the pedestal at first. Once they'd all managed to squeeze through the opening and into the room with the statues, though, Argus had barely had time to admire the color of the huge gem when Corum like a bloody moron touched the damned thing.

Naturally this brought the statues around them to live and Argus cursed loudly as he swung his mace, smashing a great hole in the side of one of the panthers just as it struck someone... he wasn't sure who it was because he was quickly slammed against the wall and knocked unconscious.

When he managed to regain his senses his head hurt like mad. He groaned, opening his eyes and shaking his head. That only made it worse so he stopped moving it for a while. His eyes fixed on Ravin, who was obviously in some distress. His hand looked all bloody and he was holding it at an odd angle.

"Blewdy hells," Argus muttered and tried to get to his feet. He stumbled a bit but managed to make his way over to where Ravin and Ardesmar were standing.

"Let me see dat hand... blewdy stupid git touching dat rock... 'ere give it to me. I can 'eal da blewdy t'in up. Well dun juss stand thuz gawking!" When Ravin stared at him Argus sighed and took hold of his arm, gently pulling it toward him. "Ay'll 'ave dat fixed up right quick," he said.

As he cast a healing spell, a white glow surrounded Ravin's injured hand and wrist. Most of the damage was repaired so he would have use of the hand again, but the area was still swollen and tender. "Dat's gonna 'urt fer a bit yet," Argus commented. "Den it'll be gewd as new... well, near."

He turned to Ardesmar. "Do yew wan' me to 'eal dat up for yew?" He asked, gesturing to the slashes on the Jann's chest. He wasn't sure if Ardesmar could heal himself or not. While he waited for an answer, he turned to see if anyone else was in need of help and nearly collapsed from dizziness, his head pounding.

"Blewdy moron," he cursed, holding his head.

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