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Date Posted: 13:24:31 04/22/02 Mon
Author: Ravin and Tia
Subject: Lions and panthers, oh my!
In reply to: Erlic Eastlore 's message, "Strange and stranger" on 11:45:56 04/21/02 Sun

If Tia didn't like Corum so much she would have socked him in the mouth for waving her on into the water. Sure, he had helped her up but only to let her fall back in again! Now she was soaked and shivering as they made their way to the door in the hill. The petite thief wiped water from her face then readied her daggers once again as Ravin opened the door. Although Tia was a bit peeved at Corum she decided to follow him to the huge gem that sat upon a pedestal simple because she happened to love rubies.

"I wonder if that might be the Heart of Al' Rakim," Ardesmar said. The Sheik's first lieutenant had remained rather silent since entering the supply store. It was fairly obvious that he really didn't want to explore the ruins anymore now that the Peacock Throne had been discovered. He helped the humans in their search for the branches only because Sheik Daraba ordered him to do while he and the rest of the Jann stayed within the tower to rest. "Old barber tales say that The Heart of Al' Rakim was a fist sized ruby owned by the Sultan of the ancient city of Twilight. Supposedly, the ruby holds a gem nymph, who is able to answer one question per day. That was quite beneficial for the Sultan since it helped him learn of his enemies amongst other things that might usurp his power. To keep the Heart of Al' Rakim from the hands of thieves and rivals, the stories say that the Sultan had a secret hiding place built for the stone that was guarded by traps and monsters."

Ardesmar's eyes widened when he saw Corum's hand arm reach out toward the gem. Before he could warn him not to touch it he did so. Suddenly the statues in the room turned into living creatures and rushed to attack. Before Ardesmar could withdraw his sword one of the panthers lunged at him, knocking the big man to the ground. It swiped a claw across his chest tearing his shirt to shreds and leaving a number of bloody gashes on his stomach.

Since Ravin was closest to the lieutenant he jumped forward, plunging a dagger into the panther's ribcage. The beast howled then turned on the thief, grabbing his left wrist in its mighty jaw. "Shit," Ravin muttered, as he felt the teeth sink into bone. He stabbed at the panther with the sword he held in his right hand, but the damn thing still hung onto him. Pain drove the thief to his knees, where he continued to stab at the creature while the Jann lieutenant crawled away. Ardesmar winced at the burning in his chest from the gashes then withdrew his sword and shoved in into the side of the creature's head. It fell to its death with his teeth still clamped around Ravin's wrist.

The thief dropped his sword and forced open the panther's mouth, finally pulling his arm free. His hand was covered in blood and he had no feeling in his fingers. While the battle raged around him he lowered his pack from his shoulder, pulling out a towel and wrapping it around his wrist and hand, hoping to stop the blood flow. Fear coursed through him when the thought struck him that he might lose the use of his left hand forever. Now wasn't the time to worry about such things! He grabbed his sword and allowed the wounded Ardesmar to help him to his feet. Both men braced themselves for further attacks.

Tia tossed her throwing knives at the huge lion that leapt toward Corum. The blades sunk into the creature's side but did nothing to slow it down. The petite thief withdrew her sword and was preparing to aid Corum when a panther came rushing toward her. Sweat broke out on her forehead as she faced the beast. Tia wasn't that great when it came to wielding a sword, but she had no other choice but to stand and defend herself against the ferocious beast. Hopefully, the goddess of luck was on her side at the moment.

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