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Date Posted: 10:20:29 04/23/02 Tue
Author: Jeremy and Marz
Subject: Various discussions
In reply to: Marz and co. 's message, "Passing time in the tower" on 10:08:27 04/17/02 Wed

"Ask Marz where I got it."

Jeremy narrowed his eyes. Since when did Marz go around giving Rowan love bites? What the hell happened while he was passed out in one of the bedrooms? Now that his curiosity was piqued, Jeremy wanted to know all the dirty details of how the elf had managed to get a hickey from Marz.

He followed Rowan out of the kitchen, thinking that he was headed into a bedroom. When he saw the elf run down the stairs he leaned against the wall, his bruised ribs too tender for such a chase at the moment. After returning to his seat at the table, he glanced at Noyko. "How's it feel not to be a slave anymore?"

The easterner shrugged then smiled down at Ablina as she rested her head against his chest. "I have been a slave for ten years. Don't know how to be anything else. It will take time for me to adjust to not waiting for someone to give me an order."

Jeremy nodded before lighting up one of his special cigarettes. He was aware of Noy watching him closely as he took a couple of deep drags. "Try it," he suggested, passing the cigarette to Noy.

The almond-eyed youth coughed after drawing the smoke into his lungs. A moment later he grinned broadly and took another drag before returning the cigarette to Jeremy.

"You remind me of Bruce Lee a little," the otherworldly youth said. He flicked ashes onto a dish then sucked down more sweet smelling smoke. "He was a great martial artist. I studied Kung Fu for about a year. I wish I woulda kept up with that shit cause it'd really come in handy now. Do you know any martial art moves, Noy?"

A soft chuckle escaped from the easterner after he inhaled more of the cigarette Jeremy held to his lips. Suddenly, he felt very, very happy. "Yes! I have been trained in hand to hand combat. I can teach you if you want to learn." He laughed at the eager nodding of Jeremy's head then glanced down at Ablina, who had dozed off in his lap. "I will put her into one of the beds so she can nap more comfortably."

Noy lifted the girl into his arms and swayed a bit when he got to his feet. A silly grin played upon his lips as he carried Ablina into a bedroom. Gently, he set her down on the bed, removed her shoes then tucked the blanket around her. As he stared at the innocent face of the sleeping child, his grin widened. It felt good knowing that she wouldn't have to live her life as a slave.

Jeremy snuffed out his cigarette then glared at Rowan when he returned to the kitchen. He was pissed that the elf had somehow managed to get together with Marz again. His mood softened when Rowan said he'd spend the night with him, but he was still curious about what exactly when on between the elf and Marz.

He glanced up at Benis and Justin, who hovered near the counter then faced Rowan. "We need to talk……in private." Jeremy winced a bit at the ache in his ribs as he led the elf into a bedroom. After closing the door behind them he took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Okay, out with it Rowan. How the hell didya end up with a hickey from Marz? Where was Tristan? Why would Marz be sucking on YOUR neck instead of his? Did you tempt him again like I did a couple of times before, and did he push you away once he came to his senses? Gimme all the details, dude."


Anger rose within Marz when Tristan started talking because at first it sounded like he had been raped. He forced his rage down and really concentrated on what his lover was saying since he'd hate to strangle Noy if he didn't do anything wrong. Although Tristan didn't mention any names, Marz could smell the soap recently used by the easterner all over the dragon, so Noy HAD to be the one that was spoken about.

When Marz finally got a clear picture in his mind of what happened, he almost laughed. It wasn’t that he found the incident amusing; he was simply relieved that Noy hadn't tried to force himself on Tristan.

"Before you, no one had ever touched me before," Tristan whispered. "And I wanted it to be like that forever and ever, but now it's all ruined because I drank that Jann shit and screwed everything up between us!"

Marz was a bit surprised to hear that Tristan had never been touched by anyone before him and flattered to hear that he never wanted to touched by anyone other than him. The ex-gang leader lost the option of saving himself for one person when Sistino let his friend do things to his body when he was only eight years old. Since then more people than he cared to think about had touched him. Over the years, he came to really enjoy the feel of warm hands stroking his body and after a while it didn't matter who those hands belonged to. Marz simply loved to be touched and held close even though he didn't openly admit that to anyone.

"You didn't screw anything up between us, Tris," he said, pulling the dragon back into his arms. He ran his fingers through his lover's hair and placed soft kisses on his cheek. "I don't hate you because of what happened so stop hating yourself because of it. To me, you'll never be dirty or filthy no matter what you do. In my heart, you'll always be perfect and that's all that matters, right?"

He put some distance between then brushed away the tears from Tristan's eyes before cupping his chin and forcing him to meet his gaze. I love you, Tris. I love you just as much as I did before Noy touched you." Their lips met in a tender kiss that burned with a spiritual passion that could only come from true love. Two hearts merged into one for a moment, leaving them both breathless when the kiss ended. Marz closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against Tristan's, enjoying the sudden euphoria that engulfed them. He knew he would never, ever feel this way with anyone but the dragon. "You're my soulmate," he whispered, "and nothing except death can pull soulmates apart."

Slowly, he ran the tip of his tongue over Tristan's lips, making him shiver slightly. "We're going to get you some java now. Later, I'm gonna make you forget all about what happened with Noy." He nipped the tip of Tristan's nose playfully then released him and moved to retrieve his pants and boots.

After easing the dragon down onto his back he opened the blanket and smiled down at the sight of his lover's partially naked body. How could he blame Noy for wanting to touch something so absolutely beautiful? I have a hell of a time keeping my hands off his gorgeous body! Marz let his fingertips brush along his lover's legs then bit back his desire and dressed him.

He helped the still somewhat high dragon to his feet, snaking his arm tightly around his waist as they walked into the kitchen. "Go ahead and say something to piss me off so I can have a reason to kill you," Marz said to Justin when he saw the disgusted look on his face.

The merc rolled his eyes and walked out of the room in a huff, leaving them alone with Benis. After the Jann brought a fresh pot of java to the table he returned to the stove where he had a pot of stew cooking.

Marz sat down and pulled Tristan onto his lap. One hand entwined in the dragon's hair near the nape of his neck while the other lifted a java mug to his lips. When his lover finished it all, Marz refilled the mug. "Are you feeling any better yet, Tris?"

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