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Date Posted: 17:31:58 07/04/03 Fri
Author: The Cannabist
Subject: ummm
In reply to: IDAHO 's message, "Alia and the Baron Question" on 12:32:32 07/04/03 Fri

I disagree, it's totally clear what happens.

and it's this simple.

A Reverend Mother is created when a Sister takes the water of life. This causes the ne RM to gain access to all her female ancestral memories.

Jessica became a Reverend Mother to replace the current one. Right after she transmuted the water of life she received the old mothers memories a'la sharing. Therefore she gained her own ancestral memories from the water of life, THEN the Old RM's memories from sharing.

TWO different things, but in Jessica's case... one was done one right after the other.

Alia is pre-born Atreides, no other explanation is necessary, the water of life opened her unformed mind to both sides, she was reverend mother and more. Again because she was Atreides.

Leto II and Ghanima also had access to both sides, although Ghanima stuck to the female side and it protected her from the male side.

This is an affect of the pre-born combined with Atreides. Has nothing to do with being a KH, but being Atreides.

one key point that might clear it up for you ... remember the end of Chapterhouse before Murbella took the water.. Bell, Odrade, and Tam were anxious to have access to her ancestral memories.

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