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Date Posted: 00:07:38 10/12/06 Thu
Author: Jonathon
Subject: >>
In reply to: Sara Leanne Lawson 's message, ">>" on 23:53:48 10/11/06 Wed

Jonathon jumped slightly as the bell rang, looking out his door and leaning forward in his chair, trying to grade those papers again so it would look like he was actually doing something. He had to be careful with these students. Most of them were stuck up brown nosers and if he slipped up in any way infront of them they wouldn't hesitate to go squeeling to the principals and their parents and get him fired. Nevermind some of the things he saw the students do and heard them say, the things they talked about. It was mind boggling. Though it had been much the same when he had been in highschool, which hadn't been too long ago. But it seemed like nothing to hear some girls talking about a girl they knew who had gotten drunk and slept with four or five guys. Jonathon sighed, he did his best though. And many of his students seemed genuinely interested in what he was teaching. And not jus girls like one would think, though there were more girls with good grades than guys. He knew it was because he was young and what they considered cute. It wasn't uncommon to hear them talking about him. Jonathon watched his students trickle in from the halls, though he looked a little more attentive as one in particular wlked in from the halls. Sara Lawson. She was beautiful, and smart, and not as superficial as the other girls, and certainly not as shallow as she acted. He knew that highschool put alot of pressure on you to fit in, and especially highschools like this. So he understood. But he wished she would show who she really was more often. Jonathon taught Literature and when he made the students write short stories or essays on what they thought of a story or a current even, her's was always one he looked forward to. When she looked his way, as she always did, he gave her a small smile, but nothing more. He was fairly distant with most of his students, but he was especially distant with her, though he felt like he knew her so well through her papers. Jonathon didn't trust himself getting to know a girl like Sara. He leaned back over his desk, trying to grade the papers yet again though still no luck.

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