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Date Posted: 22:59:42 11/09/06 Thu
Author: Jon
Subject: >>
In reply to: Sara 's message, ">>" on 22:51:25 11/09/06 Thu

Jon smiled slightly and nodded, "Yeah, that'd be a little obvious, but i dont think anyone would blame you. Just be mad that couldn't irritate you about tonight." He told her. He would understood if she stayed home Monday, though he really didn't want her to. He smiled again as she thanked him. "It was no problem." Jon told her. It felt a little odd for some reason, her calling him that. He supposed because at the moment he really didn't feel like her teacher. Maybe it was because they weren't in school, maybe it was how beautiful she looked and all that had happened tonight and this past week. All he knew was he was leaning down, his lips touching hers after a soft sigh left him, soft green eyes closing as he kissed her. He held it for only a moment before he straightened and looked away, glad it was dark so she couldn't see the blush creepng up his neck and burning his cheek. What had he just done? Why had he let himself do that? "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I should go." Jon said quickly, clearing his throat and turning to walk away, though he really didn't want to. And he wouldn't admit it outloud but he was curious as to how she felt about him kissing her. It shouldn't matter, he shouldn't have done it. But he was still curious.

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