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Subject: Re: Coah Renark?

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Date Posted: 06/20/06 8:43pm
In reply to: Damien 's message, "Coah Renark?" on 06/20/06 1:01pm

Don't tell me this is my son? God, I haven't talked to you in so long. You know how good it is to hear from you, son? I didn't think you came online anymore. :D You know, you're my only family left, Damien. I miss you so much and it's really great to hear from you.

Beleive it or not, and this is pretty funny, er, weird, actually, I was trying to find you. I've got a detective working on it for me, because I wanted to surprise you for your birthday, but the last time we talked you were travelling all over the place, dancing with your group, and I wasn't sure where you lived now.

So, in case I don't get to find you in time, Happy Birthday, Dam. You're gonna be 21 right? Big year. *g* Life's just starting to get interesting for you. God, you must be somethin' else, I bet. Knowing your mom, she raised you well. She had really good principles. Strong woman, as I'm sure you know.

Think we could get together soon for coffee or...shit, anything? lol How's your beautiful mother? Man, I'd love to say hi to her again, too. :) I have some great memories of her.

I've been really busy, lately. I mean, I went underground for a long time, trying to do my part for the war effort and all that. Only, I couldn't tell anyone and I wasn't allowed to stay in touch with anyone I knew. It was for my friends' protection, you know? Sort of how that saying goes, If I told you what I was doing or you knew who I was, I'd have to kill you. (Of course I wouldn't really, but the bad guys would've and I couldn't take that chance. Just as bad, I would've been killed if the wrong sims knew who I really was working for these past several sim years.) But, my assignment is over, so now I can see everyone I know and love again. Of course, I was trying to do my part to repopulate the simuniverse, too, but decided to hold off on that for a little longer, (for my gf's sake. lol She's still young and wants to sew some wild oats first).

Ok, gonna read your note, now. I was just so excited to see that you posted me, I started replying and almsot forgot to read your post, lol:

So, how're you doin', Buddy? You're engaged? Wow. That's a really big step. What's she like? How do you know she's the one for you? How old is she? Tell me all about yourself.

Btw, how's yer career going? What're you doing these days?

LOL Where you're living sounds alot like how I was living right before I was "discovered" so to speak. Well, tomorrow, you'll have access to your trust fund on your 21st birthday. Or is that today? damn, can't remember what day it is. lol Did I tell you? You're my only beneficiary when I did, (unless I happen to succeed in creating a little brother or sister for you by then, in which case you'd have to split it, but still, I'm richer than God. You're gonna be a multi-billionaire one of these days. That's a long way off though, so stop drooling. lol jk)

I've been thinking about you alot lately. Actually, you're a big part of why I came back. I wanted to come see you, but wasn't sure you'd want to hear from me. I haven't really been there for you as much as I should have, you know? So, I was kind of hesitant...and then I saw your post to me and WOW! it's really great to hear from you. *g*

Oh, shit! I feel like I've just been kicked in the gut. Your mom died? I'm so sorry, Dam. I didn't know. Whoa. So, how're you doing? Shit. I'm really sorry to hear that.

She wanted me to tell you something, huh? I can only think of one thing that would be and I guess now that you're a man, I could tell you. I just...I don't want to, you know? But, it wouldn't hurt her anymore, so I guess it's only right. IT's kind of a long story though, so hope you've got a drink in yer hand and a chair under yer ass. lol

When your mom and I were dating, she was kidnapped and missing for quite awhile. We looked everywhere for her and I even hired the mob to find her and wipe out whomever had taken her. Anyway, she managed to escape, but not before she'd been raped by her captor. The cops found him after that and I can't remember the circumstances exactly, but somehow he did die in jail. The mob got him and made it look like a suicide.

Of course, the damage was already done, but your mom was determined to make the best of her situation. And, more than anything else, she wanted you. :) She was so determined to be your mom and to have you. I really admired her for that. So, when the time came, I told her I'd put my name on your birth certificate and that I'd be proud to be your dad if she wanted me to. There was no reason you had to grow up without a dad, just because the sperm donor was an asshole rapist. And I thought your mom had been through enough of an ordeal. I didn't want her to have to face anymore humiliation and gossip. I didn't want sims looking at her weird or talking about her behind her back. I loved herand you and I did what I could to protect you both.

But, we still didn't last as a couple, she really wanted to get married and I just couldn't do that, (still can't/won't). So, then she fell in love with the guy who raised you, your step-dad. And the rest is history. I still sent wanted to be involved with you as much as I could and still took care of you financially, like any dad would, but it was obvious that she felt your step-dad was better for you, a better influence and all that and, you know, she was probably right. Still, she could've made it really ahrd for me to see you, but she didn't. Em was so cool that way, and a million other ways. I always regretted not being able to give her everything she wanted, but I just couldn't do it. I knew I'd be no good at that, (marriage, you know). Ah, she was beautiful though. Whew! And smart. Oh, yeah, really smart. :) I have really good memories of her.

But back to my story, I was touring most of the time, so I'd see you whenever I could, whenever I had time off, but it was good knowing that you were in a happy home and had other kids around. If you'd been with me, you would've been really lonely, you know? You remember what it was like when you'd come visit me if Cody and Have weren't around. Even when they were around, they were so much older than you it was probably pretty boring, too, huh? My relationship with Cody and Hav was the same as with you--over the phone most of the time. But, I think of you as my son, just like I thought of them as my kids. No difference, Dam. Just hope you know that.

Yeah, Em was quite a woman. :) So, I hope you don't think any less of her for not telling you this, but it wasn't necessary when you were young, you know? We couldn't see how it would do you any good and you might think you weren't any good just cuz your sperm donor wasn't, but that's not true. You're good because you're a good sim, you're your own man, and your mom was a good sim & took good care of you. Really good sim, too good for me, that's for sure. I'm guessing that she wanted you to know this now so you could decide for yourself if you still want to keep in touch with me or not. OR maybe she just wanted you to know and didn't think there was any reason to keep the secret anymore now that you're grown up and have grown up a good man. :)

I just hope I'm doing the right thing by telling you. I hope it doesn't uh, I don't know.... heh I dont' know what I'm thinking right now about telling you this. I just don't want you to see your mom any differently, but I know you won't, you're not like that. I guess I'm just nervous that you won't want anything to do with me anymore.

wb when you can, Dam and have Happy Birthday. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, ok? Now that I'm back online (occasionally) and not undercover anymore, I'd like to hang with you a bit sometimes when you're not too busy. It would be great to see you again. I'd be proud to put on your wedding reception for you, if you'll let me. You can pull out all the stops, have it anywhere you want in the world and make it as big as you want. Just say the word.


>Hey. I don't know if your still on here but I wanted
>to post you to say hi.
>Uhm. I've been doing really well lately. I just got
>engaged to a model from the UK named Kate. We've been
>together for 9 months now. She's amazing. I just moved
>to New York. Lower East Side. I live in this crappy
>building that has a mural of Joe Strummer on the side
>of it. It's kind of grungy-cool. Lol. Oh and I guess
>you know it's my 21st birthday tomorrow. Amazing how
>time flies.
>Speaking of which - mom died about 5 months ago. Uhm -
>it was a really bad car accident, no one made it. But
>in her Will she said there was something that you
>needed to tell me. What is it?
>Uh - so I heard that Cody passed away awhile ago. What
>ever happened to his wife? The kids? Havee? I heard
>she was involved in the same accident but I didn't
>remembering hearing if she was okay.
>I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I hope your okay

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Re: Coah Renark?Damien06/25/06 5:08am

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