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Subject: Re: Coah Renark?

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Date Posted: 06/25/06 5:08am
In reply to: Dad 's message, "Re: Coah Renark?" on 06/20/06 8:43pm

>Think we could get together soon for coffee or...shit,
>anything? lol How's your beautiful mother? Man, I'd
>love to say hi to her again, too. :) I have some
>great memories of her.

Of course. Wherever you want to go. :)
>I've been really busy, lately. I mean, I went
>underground for a long time, trying to do my part for
>the war effort and all that. Only, I couldn't tell
>anyone and I wasn't allowed to stay in touch with
>anyone I knew. It was for my friends' protection, you
>know? Sort of how that saying goes, If I told you
>what I was doing or you knew who I was, I'd have to
>kill you. (Of course I wouldn't really, but the bad
>guys would've and I couldn't take that chance. Just
>as bad, I would've been killed if the wrong sims knew
>who I really was working for these past several sim
>years.) But, my assignment is over, so now I can see
>everyone I know and love again. Of course, I was
>trying to do my part to repopulate the simuniverse,
>too, but decided to hold off on that for a little
>longer, (for my gf's sake. lol She's still young and
>wants to sew some wild oats first).

Wow - that's alot more exciting that what I've been doing lol.

>So, how're you doin', Buddy? You're engaged? Wow.
>That's a really big step. What's she like? How do you
>know she's the one for you? How old is she? Tell me
>all about yourself.

Yeah - I'm really nervous. I don't think I'll actually go through with it. But I love her. Well she's smart, she's clever, she's gorgeous, quirky, and really artsy. And I love her alot. She's turning 20. Kate was actually the one that proposed so it was kind of weird trying to turn it down. lol. But I mean - I love her. She loves me. I just don't think I can get married right now. I'd rather she just move in or something atleast for awhile.
>Btw, how's yer career going? What're you doing these

I quit dancing a long time ago because it was getting too complicated. I didn't want to live my life on the road - I didn't have time for anything. SO - right now I'm wanting to go to Columbia and try to pursue an art degree. Then - I dunno just start painting and stuff. I really like having a simple life - you know? I was brought up in such a - hectic house and we had so much money I want to try something new.
>LOL Where you're living sounds alot like how I was
>living right before I was "discovered" so to speak.
>Well, tomorrow, you'll have access to your trust fund
>on your 21st birthday. Or is that today? damn, can't
>remember what day it is. lol Did I tell you? You're
>my only beneficiary when I did, (unless I happen to
>succeed in creating a little brother or sister for you
>by then, in which case you'd have to split it, but
>still, I'm richer than God. You're gonna be a
>multi-billionaire one of these days. That's a long
>way off though, so stop drooling. lol jk)

Haha. I hope it's a long way off. But that will be nice - I really want money for college.
>I've been thinking about you alot lately. Actually,
>you're a big part of why I came back. I wanted to
>come see you, but wasn't sure you'd want to hear from
>me. I haven't really been there for you as much as I
>should have, you know? So, I was kind of
>hesitant...and then I saw your post to me and WOW!
>it's really great to hear from you. *g*

I'm glad :) I haven't had a computer for awhile now. Which kind of sucks - and I lost your phone number(s) and I had pretty much no clue how you were doing. But when I see you in the tabloids at a 42nd Street newspaper stand it reassures me you're alive and well. Lol.
>Oh, shit! I feel like I've just been kicked in the
>gut. Your mom died? I'm so sorry, Dam. I didn't
>know. Whoa. So, how're you doing? Shit. I'm really
>sorry to hear that.

Okay now. I dunno - things happen for a reason. It's really made me mature alot more. I started doing some really bad shit right after she died but I ended up in rehab. Mostly for the heroin. But I'm better now - I still drink alot. I'm trying to cut back. I just really miss her. It's like an anti-depressant. It really is. And of course I'm saying this when I'm not even 21 yet. Hah.

>Of course, the damage was already done, but your mom
>was determined to make the best of her situation.
>And, more than anything else, she wanted you. :) She
>was so determined to be your mom and to have you. I
>really admired her for that. So, when the time came,
>I told her I'd put my name on your birth certificate
>and that I'd be proud to be your dad if she wanted me
>to. There was no reason you had to grow up without a
>dad, just because the sperm donor was an asshole
>rapist. And I thought your mom had been through
>enough of an ordeal. I didn't want her to have to
>face anymore humiliation and gossip. I didn't want
>sims looking at her weird or talking about her behind
>her back. I loved herand you and I did what I could
>to protect you both.

Wow. That's quite an exciting story. You should write a book. Lol.

>But back to my story, I was touring most of the time,
>so I'd see you whenever I could, whenever I had time
>off, but it was good knowing that you were in a happy
>home and had other kids around. If you'd been with
>me, you would've been really lonely, you know? You
>remember what it was like when you'd come visit me if
>Cody and Have weren't around. Even when they were
>around, they were so much older than you it was
>probably pretty boring, too, huh? My relationship with
>Cody and Hav was the same as with you--over the phone
>most of the time. But, I think of you as my son, just
>like I thought of them as my kids. No difference,
>Dam. Just hope you know that.

I do. I really do. Nothing's going to change. It's just good too know why I turned out not really looking like you at all. Lol. I always wondered if I was adopted honestly. Because I'm so fair. I look just like I'm tan pretty much. And I know my mom wasn't really dark - but I always looked so much different. I think that guy was probably white. I'm glad you didn't tell me when I was younger. I mean you probably could have told me when I was 16 or 18. But It's fine. I want you to know I don't resent you - and I'm not mad. And I still think of you as my father. Lance was always there for me - but I felt like you and me had a connection like a father and like a son. I wouldn't never take that back. I'm kind of shocked but I mean - I think anybody would be. Lol.

>wb when you can, Dam and have Happy Birthday. Let me
>know if there's anything I can do for you, ok? Now
>that I'm back online (occasionally) and not undercover
>anymore, I'd like to hang with you a bit sometimes
>when you're not too busy. It would be great to see
>you again. I'd be proud to put on your wedding
>reception for you, if you'll let me. You can pull out
>all the stops, have it anywhere you want in the world
>and make it as big as you want. Just say the word.

I can't think of anything right now but thank you :)


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Re: Coah Renark?Dad06/26/06 1:39am

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