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Subject: Jonahs after match comments.

Dave M
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Date Posted: 11:33:11 09/22/02 Sun
Author Host/IP: host213-1-107-107.in-addr.btopenworld.com/

Having read Jonah's depressing and negative comments in the Wales on Sunday following the Aberavon match re Pooler and Avon having missed the boat, I would like to see the club officially respond very quickly please with a more positive, upbeat and fighting message to the WRU and the likes of Thomas and Brown. All Jonah's comments will have done is to convince the WRU and the Money Men that they can now go ahead and carve up Welsh Rugby to suit themselves. It is a very stupid man who can believe that concentrating all the resources at the top level in 5 teams instead of 9 will be the cure-all for Welsh Rugby. These so-called top 5 teams have had all the advantages in terms of money and resources to have poached all the 'best' players for years now, and where has it got Welsh Rugby, exactly nowhere. Let's not just meekly give in the WRU rewarding the years of failure and mediocrity of the 'favoured' five. PLEASE FOR THE GOOD OF WELSH RUGBY STAND UP AND FIGHT OTHERWISE A FEW YEARS DOWN THE ROAD WELSH RUGBY WILL FOLLOW WELSH SOCCER AND BECOME, AT THE TOP LEVEL, A FEW TEAMS PLAYING IN THE LOWER DIVISIONS OF THE ENGLISH STRUCTURE AND THE WELSH NATIONAL TEAM RANKED AS LOW AS THE WELSH SOCCER TEAM IF THERE WERE THAT MANY COUNTIRS PLAYING RUGBY.
How must Bob Jude be feeling after reading the quoted negative, defeative words of his club coach.

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